Belgian Tax on Stock Exchange Transactions: deadline extension for the first reporting & details on registration of responsible representative

Financial Services Tax & Regulatory

28 February 2017

Belgian Tax on Stock Exchange Transactions: deadline extension for the first reporting & details on registration of responsible representative

Yesterday, the Ministry of Finance has issued a statement (FR/NL) confirming that the deadline for foreign intermediaires to report and pay the Belgian TSET on the transactions carried out during the period January 2017 to April 2017 was extended to 30 June 2017. A similar extension has been confirmed for principals residing or established in

7 December 2016

Bill transposing the UCITS V Directive has been submitted to the Belgian Chamber of Representatives

On 2 December 2016, a Bill was submitted to the Belgian Chamber of Representatives to transpose Directive 2014/91/EU on undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS V or the Directive)(1). The Directive revises the UCITS Directive(2) in relation to depositary functions, remuneration policies and sanctions. Transposing UCITS V The Directive introduces new rules on undertakings for

18 November 2016

Publication of Royal Decree dated 9 November 2016 on Belgian specialised real estate investment funds

PwC is pleased to inform you that the Royal Decree dated 9 November 2016 on Belgian specialised real estate investment funds (better known as “fonds d’investissement immobilier spécialisé” or FIIS / “gespecialiseerd vastgoedbeleggingsfonds” or GVBF) has been published in the Belgian Official Gazette of today, 18 November 2016. As you know, this new investment vehicle