Circular 2020/C/96 on the taxable basis of foreign movable income
On July 9, 2020, the Belgian Tax Administration published the Circular 2020/C/96 with respect to the determination of taxable income in case of collection of foreign movable income. It confirms that, in case of collection of a foreign movable income, the taxable amount is determined by deducting the foreign tax effectively withheld from the foreign
VAT due on Aladdin services, BlackRock VAT case released – A new challenge for fund asset managers!
The VAT exemption applicable to the management of Special Investment Funds (Article 135(1)(g) of the VAT Directive) raises several issues. Those issues are related to both the concept of “management” and the “type” of funds that benefit from the exemption. The VAT Committee responded to some questions in 2017 but these concepts are certainly not
Administrative circular on spin-off transactions
On April 20th, 2020, the Belgian Tax Administration issued the circular 2020/C/55 further detailing the tax treatment of spin-off transactions according to article 264, first paragraph, 4° of the BITC 92. Context As a reminder, the so-called spin-off transactions are not demerger transactions nor transactions assimilated to a demerger, as defined by article 2, §1,
New measures for open-ended public undertakings for collective investment against the consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic
Summary The Royal Decree of 22 April 2020 aims to protect open-ended public undertakings for collective investment (“UCIs”) against the consequences of the COVID-19 epidemic and in particular protect the liquidity of such UCIs. UCIs that are confronted with redemption requests of their units have to sell, often at unfavourable prices, positions in their portfolios
COVID-19 measures and write-downs on receivables by financial institutions, back to deductibility issues raised during the financial crisis?
Following the measures taken by the various governments in Belgium and abroad to fight against the spread of the Covid-19, it can be expected that credit institutions take write-downs on receivables. In this respect, the Belgian tax authorities have published a circular on this topic earlier this week. In a nutshell, the tax authorities have
Time to act as OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework moves forward on new tax rules
On the 31st of January 2020, after a two-day meeting held on 29 – 30 January, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS issued a statement that updates the state-of-play regarding the work on tax challenges arising from the digitalization of the economy, and sets forth a revised work program on the Two-Pillar Approach. In this
The OECD releases its Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions
The OECD has released its long-awaited final report on the transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions. The report will constitute the 10th chapter of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines (as well as an additional section in Chapter I). It covers a wide range of financial transactions and provides guidance on critical aspects to be considered
Taxation of French-sourced dividends: confirmation of the Supreme Court decision
On 17 December 2019, the Court of Appeal of Antwerp confirmed the position of the Court of cassation in its arrest dated 16 June 2017 (previously commented) with respect to the application of a foreign tax credit in Belgium in relation to French-sourced dividends received by Belgian private investors. Background The case concerned French-sourced dividends