OECD releases BEPS reports following September deadline
The OECD is keeping its word in preparing and delivering on the objectives as they have been set in the BEPS Action Plan. The deliverables for the September 2014 deadline have just been published and are available on the OECD website (link below). The OECD has published 7 reports (Digital Economy, Hybrid Mismatches, Harmful Tax, Treaty Abuse, Intangibles
BEPS: OECD is gearing up towards the September deadlines
The OECD’s Action Plan on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) was published in July 2013 with a view to addressing perceived flaws in international tax rules. The 40-page Action Plan, which was negotiated and drafted with the active participation of the OECD member states, contains 15 separate action points or work streams, some of which are
Upcoming Global OECD BEPS webcasts
In the framework of the upcoming G20 Finance Ministers meeting to be held in Cairns, Australia on 20-21 September 2014, there are two global OECD BEPS webcasts scheduled this month for you in order to guide you through and anticipate on any potential impact on your businesses: BEPS: Global alignment vs national interest?: This first is a live
FASB adds income tax accounting topics to its agenda
During its Agenda Prioritisation meeting on 13 August, 2014, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) added the following two income tax accounting topics to its agenda as part of its broader simplification initiative: Possible elimination of the exception for recognising deferred taxes on certain intercompany transactions under ASC 740-10-25-3(e); and Possible classification of all deferred tax
European Commission launches public consultation on IFRS
The European Commission is holding a public consultation to seek views from all interested parties on their experience of Regulation 1606/2002 (“the IAS Regulation”). The results of this public consultation will feed into the European Commission’s evaluation of the IAS Regulation. The IAS Regulation states that the IFRS must be applied to the consolidated financial
OECD releases request for input on BEPS Action 11
Background The Action 11 work of the BEPS (base erosion and profit shifting) action plan aims to produce an overview of several different economic analyses of BEPS using different data and methodologies that will give a potential range of the scale (i.e. magnitude of the change in overall tax receipts) and economic impacts (i.e. effects on total
OECD releases global standard for automatic exchange of tax information
Starting in 2012, political interest has increasingly focused on the opportunities provided by an automatic exchange of information between tax authorities. On 6 September 2013, the G20 Leaders committed to the automatic exchange of information as the new global standard and fully supported the OECD work for developing a single standard for automatic exchange of
OECD Publishes 2014 Update to Model Tax Convention
The OECD Council approved the 2014 Update to the OECD Model Tax Convention (the 2014 Update) on 15 July 2014. The 2014 Update was already approved by the Committee on Fiscal Affairs on 26 June 2014. The 2014 Update can be found here. The 2014 Update mainly reflects the work that was carried out by the OECD