Core agreement on supporting measures for the purchasing power and the sectors in difficulty
With the government measures taken to combat the COVID-19 virus being reduced gradually, the current health crisis seems to be getting under control for now (pending an anticipated second wave). However, the social and economic impact of the crisis will continue to exist for a long time, further affecting individuals and companies. The past three
Company cars: the list of false hybrids has been updated
Over the past few years, the taxation of cars has been linked more and more to their ecological footprint, and more specifically, their CO2-emission. The taxable benefit in kind, the deductibility rate, registration taxes, … all of these depend on the CO2-emission of the car. Especially for the so-called ‘fake hybrides’, there has been quite
Update COVID-19 and cross-border employment: agreements with Germany and the Netherlands extended
As announced in our previous newsflashes, Belgium has concluded several agreements with almost all of our neighboring countries (i.e. Germany, the Netherlands, France and Luxembourg). These agreements implement a mutual force majeure tolerance for cross-border employees in relation to the COVID-19 (travel) restrictions. Based on the specific Belgian-German agreement of 6 May 2020, if certain
Update – Fast Track Ruling – Homeworking (Expense Allowance)
We refer to our newsflash of 19 March on the implementation of the Fast Track Ruling (Fast Track Ruling – Homeworking, Expense Allowance). On 29 May, the Rulings Office (Dienst Voorafgaande Beslissingen in Fiscale Zaken/Services des Décisions anticipées en Matières Fiscales) published on its website a new COVID-19 application model document that has been slightly adjusted
Update COVID-19 and cross-border employment: agreement between Belgium and Luxembourg on home working
As highlighted in our previous newsflashes, Belgium has recently concluded mutual agreements with the Netherlands, Germany and France regarding a “force majeure” approach for cross-border workers. An agreement with Luxembourg was still missing. However, the Belgian government has now published the Belgian-Luxembourg agreement recognising the ‘force majeure’ character of the COVID-19 health crisis and introducing
COVID-19: impact on the expatriate tax regime in Belgium
Even though national containment measures, to flatten the curve and ultimately stop the further spreading of the coronavirus, are gradually being phased out by many countries and we can even start to see a silver lining, the COVID-19 pandemic has a major impact on how people and organisations are functioning today and how they will
Update COVID-19 and cross-border employment: agreement between Belgium and France on home working
The exceptional COVID-19 situation resulted in various government introduced measures which are themselves also exceptional and which are aiming to combat the spread of the coronavirus. Measures such as international travel restrictions, quarantine and lockdown (in whatever form or degree), also impact international business travel and prevent cross-border workers from carrying out their professional activities
Update COVID-19 and cross-border employment: Belgium reaches agreement on “force majeure” tolerance for cross-border workers with Germany
As described in our newsflash of 7 May 2020, Belgium has reached an agreement with the Netherlands on a more general force majeure approach. And things are still moving forward. Recently Belgium has concluded a mutual agreement with Germany concerning the situation of cross border workers working from home in the context of the COVID-19