Taxation of French-sourced dividends: confirmation of the Supreme Court decision
On 17 December 2019, the Court of Appeal of Antwerp confirmed the position of the Court of cassation in its arrest dated 16 June 2017 (previously commented) with respect to the application of a foreign tax credit in Belgium in relation to French-sourced dividends received by Belgian private investors. Background The case concerned French-sourced dividends
Tax forms 281.10 (employees) and 281.20 (company directors) – Income of 2019
The models of salary slips (“Fiche 281.10” for employees and “Fiche 281.20” for company directors) to be used to report remuneration paid or granted in 2019 are now available on the Federal Public Service (“FPS”) of Finance’s website. The fiches 281.10 and 281.20 must be lodged electronically with the FPS before 1 March 2020. In
Mandatory disclosure rules for intermediaries (DAC 6) – Belgian law adopted by the Chamber of Representatives
On 12 December, the draft bill implementing the EU Council Directive 2018/822/EU of 26 May 2018, also known as “DAC6 Directive”, has been adopted by the Chamber of Representatives. In short, DAC6 provides for the obligation to declare certain cross-border tax arrangements to the Belgian tax authorities. This obligation is incumbent on both taxpayers
Benefit in kind – Private use of a company car: updated formula for 2020
The new reference CO2 emission for calculating the taxable benefit in kind for the private use of a company car in the hands of company directors and employees has been published on 11 December 2019 (Royal Decree of 3 December 2019). For income year 2020, the following CO2 emission will be applied to the above
R&D wage withholding tax incentive audits – Mind the formalism and prepare yourself
As mentioned in our earlier newsflash the Belgian tax authorities have been issuing extensive and numerous tax audits with respect to the application of the wage withholding tax exemption for Research and Development over income year 2017. Please find hereafter some very important key takeaways. Mind the formalism and be prepared to substantiate the incentive claimed!
Constitutional Court Annuls the Tax on Securities Accounts
By law of 7 February 2018, the legislator introduced a tax on securities accounts (“taks op de effectenrekeningen”/“taxe sur les comptes-titres”). Many petitions to annul this law have been introduced before the Constitutional Court. In its judgement dd. 17 October 2019, the Constitutional Court annulled the law (and thus the tax), but decided to maintain
Charitable bequests and donations: an update
The new Flemish Government has announced some important changes in the field of bequests and donations. 1. Duo bequest (duo-legaat / duo-legs) In case of a so called ‘duo bequest’, (part of) the estate is left to a charity organisation under the condition to pay out a certain amount of the bequest to a
Belgian Tax on Savings Income (art. 19bis BITC): Important Practice Note
Last week, the Belgian tax authorities published a practice note commenting on the scope of application of the Belgian Tax on Savings Income (or “Reynders Tax”). Capital Gains Tax. As a recall, the Belgian Tax on Savings Income (“BTSI”), also referred to as the Reynders Tax, (the main provision of which being “art. 19bis” of the Belgian Income Tax