Update – Benefit in kind (smart)phone & split bill
In the Newsflashes of 26 October 2017, 13 November 2017 and 22 December 2017, we already made reference to the new rules regarding the lump-sum valuation for the benefits in kind (in relation to the private use) of a PC, laptop, GSM, smartphone, tablet and internet put at the disposal via the employer. As from 1
Tax Ruling Service specifies “disproportional grant” of warrants or OTCs in two particular cases
In the past, the Tax Ruling Service has taken several decisions whereby it was not excluded that the grant of warrants/options on Beveks/Sicavs or the grant of quoted options could be considered as an improper use if such grant would be considered ‘disproportionate’ in comparison with the conventional attributed remuneration. The Tax Ruling Service never
Belgian tax reform reduces corporate rate to 25% and introduces fiscal consolidation
On 26 July 2017, the federal government reached an agreement on an important tax, economic and social reform package. A significant gradual reduction in the corporate income tax rate to 25% in 2020 and fiscal consolidation are key components of the package. The agreement preserves the notional interest deduction. The tax reform is built around
Belgium decides to reduce corporate tax rate from 34% to 25%
Remark: The following announced measures will have to be formalised in draft legislation which should only be available as from September/October. Only then will full details be known. On 26 July 2017, the Federal government reached an agreement on an important corporate tax reform, significantly reducing the corporate tax rate. More details will follow below.
Stock options and management companies
On 13 April 2017, a practice note has been published by the Belgian tax authorities with respect to stock options granted to a director/permanent representative of a management company. Unquoted stock options attributed to natural persons and accepted in writing within 60 days following the grant are taxable in Belgium in the hands of the
New wave of tax audits on wage withholding tax incentives
The Belgian tax authorities announced a new wave of tax audits with respect to the application of the Belgian wage withholding tax incentives (more in particular the incentives with respect to research and development, night and shift labour, overtime, etc.). Experience based on previous audits A few years ago, a similar wave of audits
New legislative proposal: net compensation replacing eco vouchers
Members of the four federal majority parties (N-VA, MR, CD&V and Open VLD) have introduced a new legislative initiative concerning the abolishment of eco vouchers and the replacement of this system by cash compensation equivalent to the value of eco vouchers. As an alternative way of payment, eco vouchers are paper or electronic vouchers that
Have you thought about buying back study years for your pension?
By using PwC’s brand-new tool, you can calculate the payback period of purchasing 1 to 5 study years in just a few clicks!