One step further in the digitisation of the administrative procedures of the Tax Authorities


Withholding tax returns (notably the tax returns 273 & 273 A) currently have to be submitted through the e-service “Prm-on-web” but this will soon be a thing of the past. Indeed, although WHT returns will still have to  be submitted on “Prm-on-web” until Monday 19 October, 2020 (9 a.m.), from that date onwards, a new module integrated into the MyMinFin web portal should be used. Prm-on-web will however remain available to consult tax returns previously introduced.

This new module has been developed in close collaboration with all stakeholders in view of enabling the Tax Authorities to take a step further towards simplifying and facilitating the reporting obligations thanks to its progressive digitalisation.

How to prepare for it?

It is strongly recommended that companies (i) consult the Q&A on the filing of WHT returns (which you will find here in Dutch and in French) and (ii) check whether access to MyMinFin is properly managed within the company. In other words, the role « FOD Fin Aanstelling Eigen Onderneming » (parameter name « Aangifte roerende voorheffing ») / « SPF Fin Désignation Propre Entreprise » (parameter name « Déclaration précompte mobilier »)  should be granted via « Mijn eGov-rollenbeheer » /  « Ma Gestion des rôles eGov » to the person / people in charge of the WHT returns.  

Next steps

At this stage, some bugs remain on the website. But when a problem arises, it is inventoried so that it can be solved at a later stage. The idea is also to take into account the feedback received from users to develop the portal and add new features.

Any further questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to Olivier Hermand or your regular PwC tax contact.
