Subsidy for SMEs that make water saving investments


The Flemish government has launched the new Blue Deal subsidy measure ‘water saving investments’. A call for SMEs that invest in technologies that save on the use of drinking, ground and/or surface water.

The Blue Deal flows out of the Flemish governments’ goal of structurally tackling the fight against drought and water scarcity with major investments in the context of the Flemish Resilience Recovery Plan. Belgium, and more specifically Flanders and Brussels, are known as regions with a serious water shortage due to a large population density and a great variety of activities in a small area. Flemish SME’s can help solve this!

For whom?

  • Established Flemish SMEs that invest in technologies that do not meet the strict European requirements to qualify for the Ecology Premium Plus (EP+) and the Strategic Ecology Support (STRES), but which do make a significant contribution to solving the drought problem;


  • 20% for a small and 10% for a medium-sized company on the accepted investment costs of the project.
  • The SME can receive a maximum of €500,000 in support with a minimum accepted project cost of €10,000.


The 2021 call is open from October 4 to October 29, 2021. So acting fast is key!

The PwC Belgium incentives hub offers a full 360° service to support organisations to secure calls like this one. Our team of experienced incentives specialists can aid you in the preparation, application and compliance. Do not hesitate to contact us when interested. Our team is ready to help!
