Belgium – budgetary control 2016: real estate measures
On 9 April 2016, the federal government reached an agreement on additional budgetary and recovery measures following the 2016 budgetary control exercise. It has been confirmed that measures will be taken to make the Belgian real estate market more attractive for foreign investors (as further explained in the parliamentary procedures leading to the Tax Shift Act
Wage withholding tax scales as applicable for income year 2016
The Royal Decree of 16 December 2015 containing the Belgian wage withholding tax scales for income year 2016 was published in the Belgian Official Gazette of 21 December 2015. These annually updated wage withholding tax scales are applicable (for payroll purposes) to income that will be paid or attributed to individual resident or non-resident taxpayers
Notional interest deduction rate for tax year 2016 is 1.630%
The Belgian NID rate for tax year 2016 (accounting years ending between 31 December 2015 and 30 December 2016, both dates included) would be 1.630%. Currently, the NID rate (for tax year 2015) is 2.630%. Hence, the rate would decrease with 1%. For SMEs, the NID rate would be 2.130% for tax year 2016. According