New upcoming tax measures
Recently, the Belgian Minister of Finance published a general policy regarding “public finances”, “boosting of the economy/entrepreneurial climate” and “combat against tax fraud”. Based on this policy, certain new tax measures will be introduced in the upcoming months. From a personal income tax perspective, the following changes are anticipated: further increase in the withholding tax
Draft Program Act of 26 November 2015 – Tax measures
A draft Program Act has recently been submitted to Belgian Parliament, containing the following tax measures: When a former employee has entered into the system of unemployment with company surcharge, takes up a new employment with another employer (or becomes self-employed), he is in principle still entitled to receive the company surcharge. This surcharge (and additional
Cayman Tax: tax transparency for ‘legal constructions’
Currently, a bill of law is discussed at the level of the Belgian federal government concerning the so-called Cayman Tax. In principle, the new rule would be applicable as from assessment year 2016 (i.e. income collected during calendar year 2015). The Cayman Tax is a tax on certain income that is derived, through legal constructions,
Budgetary control in Belgium: New tax measures announced
On 30 March 2015, the Belgian government announced new Belgian tax measures in the framework of the budgetary control. They concern: Fight against fraud The fight against tax fraud will be pursued. The estimated net revenues are MEUR 160. Cayman tax: applicable as from calendar year 2015 The “Cayman tax” would already be applicable as from calendar year