Changes to the Belgian expat tax regime – Circular 2022/C/47
In the continuation of our series of newsflashes (last published on 10 March 2022 and 31 March 2022) in view of the new expatriate tax regime which came into effect on 1st January 2022, we would like to inform you that the tax authorities have issued their comments and views on this new regime in
Payments to tax havens : new circular letter published
Belgian tax law foresees a reporting obligation for (in)direct payments made to tax havens (in case the total amount of these payments is minimum EUR 100,000 in the taxable period concerned). In this context, we also refer to our newsflash published on 1 July 2021. On 20 December 2021, a circular letter has been published
Circular containing technical clarifications regarding the 30% EBITDA rule
On 10 July 2020 a new Circular letter was published regarding the 30% EBITDA regulation (Dutch/French version).The Circular is intended to provide some additional clarifications on remaining ambiguities on the 30% EBITDA regulation, as contained in Article 198/1 BITC 92 and Article 73 RD/BITC. These clarifications are highly technical in nature and underscore again that
EBITDA Interest Limitation Rule: New Circular Letter avoids unintended consequences when obtaining payment holidays
On 5 May 2020, the Belgian tax administration published its Circular Letter 2020/C/62 on specific payment holidays negotiated in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. More in particular, this circular accepts that certain loans will not lose their “grandfathered” status in case specific modifications are negotiated to loan agreements so to bridge temporary payment difficulties.
COVID-19 update: Circular letter on exemption conditions for write-downs on trade receivables
Aware of the significant impact of the pandemic on the economy, the Belgian tax authorities have very recently published an updated circular letter on the exemption conditions for write-downs on trade receivables (Circular 2020/C/45 dated 23 March 2020). In this circular letter, the tax authorities acknowledge the spread of the Covid-19 virus and the drastic
Tax Authorities have issued Circular Letter regarding the Group Contribution Regime
On 13 February 2020, a circular letter on the group contribution regime has been published (Dutch and French version). The group contribution regime, applicable as of financial year 2019 (assessment year 2020), enables Belgian companies and Belgian branches of entities located in the EER to transfer taxable profits to other affiliated Belgian companies/branches with the
Circular Letter regarding the “grandfathering” provision included in 30% EBITDA rule
On 11 September 2019, the Belgian tax administration published a Circular Letter regarding the grandfathering provision that is included in the recently introduced interest deductibility limitation (i.e. 30% EBITDA rule). The 30% EBITDA rule includes a grandfathering provision for loans that have been issued before 17 June 2016 and that have not been “fundamentally modified”
Belgian tax administration publishes draft circular letter on transfer pricing
On 9 November 2018, the Belgian tax administration published a draft circular letter on the 2017 version of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (2017 OECD TPG). Interested parties are invited to send their comments on the draft to by 12 December 2018. Attention needs to be paid that