A great jumpstart to 2022: Belgium adopts a new tax framework for ELTIFs
Before Christmas, there was good news on the tax and economic front: a draft law on various tax provisions proposing to extend the tax regime of Belgian regulated investment funds to “European long-term investment funds” (ELTIFs) was presented to parliament. The draft law was adopted yesterday, meaning that Belgium’s now well-equipped with the appropriate investment
Rebuild sustainable european economies post-covid: European Long-Term Investment Funds v.2 in the making
On 25 November, the European Commission published a proposal amending Regulation (EU) 2015/760 on European long-term investment funds (ELTIF). It is published together with a series of documents, including an Impact Assessment Report. Context of the proposal The ELTIF regulatory framework was adopted in 2015 and created a new investment fund vehicle intended to facilitate
Reduced Belgian net asset tax rate soon also for foreign institutional funds
A recent bill of law on various financial and tax provisions aims at adapting the Belgian annual tax on undertakings for collective investment (the Belgian ‘Net Asset Tax’ or ‘NAT’), in particular at the level of the tax rate applicable to foreign institutional funds. As a reminder, the Belgian NAT standard rate is currently 0.0925%.
New rules regarding the issuance of certificates of residence for Undertakings for Collective Investment
With the new Circular, Circular L.G.-A. n°61 of 12 February 2015, the Luxembourg Tax Authorities clarify and provide new rules as from February 2015 concerning the issuance of certificates of residence for Luxembourg Undertakings for Collective Investment (UCIs). The new administrative clarifications are expected to have a positive effect on the Luxembourg UCI market, strengthening Luxembourg’s
Net Asset Tax – Foreign Collective Investment Undertakings
The European Commission has announced yesterday its intention to refer Belgium to the EU Court of Justice in relation to the discriminatory taxation of foreign Collective Investment Undertakings (“CIU”) located in another member state of the EU/EEA. The Belgian Inheritance Tax Code – which provides for the Net Asset Tax rules – indeed foresees a