Circular letter published on consumption cheques


25 May 2020

Update COVID-19 and cross-border employment: agreement between Belgium and Luxembourg on home working

As highlighted in our previous newsflashes, Belgium has recently concluded mutual agreements with the Netherlands, Germany and France regarding a “force majeure” approach for cross-border workers. An agreement with Luxembourg was still missing. However, the Belgian government has now published the Belgian-Luxembourg agreement recognising the ‘force majeure’ character of the COVID-19 health crisis and introducing

7 May 2020

COVID-19 and cross-border employment: Belgium reaches agreement on “force majeure” tolerance for cross-border workers with the Netherlands

International travel restrictions and COVID-19 lock down measures, imposed by governments during the coronacrisis in order to “flatten the curve”, are pushing cross-border workers into a continuous home working scenario for many weeks now. Working days abroad are no longer an option. As stated by the OECD guidance, exceptional circumstances call for an exceptional level