Update – American Belgians risk losing their Belgian bank account


6 May 2015

FATCA – Belgian draft Guidance Notes published

The Federal Public Department of Finance has released the Belgian FATCA Guidance Notes in draft format. For more information about the draft, you can read the 138-page text here: http://finances.belgium.be/fr/binaries/2015-04-belgian-guidance-notes-draft_tcm307-266568.pdf Additional information about the implementation of FATCA in Belgium can be found on the Federal Public Department of Finance’s website: http://finances.belgium.be/fr/E-services/fatca/.   Belgian contacts:     Stéphane Martin

23 February 2015

Customer and Investor Tax Transparency – Updates on Tax Transparency and Exchange of Information

Updates highlighted in this issue IRS Releases Revised Publication on FATCA Data Exchange Service with Testing Sessions now available FATCA IDES Sample Test Packet Form 1042-S instructions have been released Bulgaria approves IGA (signed 5 December 2014) Jersey draft guidance Jersey’s statement on tax transparency Poland will participate in the implementation of FATCA Luxembourg draft