Taxation of Dutch AOW pensions – Circular 8 March 2018
Certain taxpayers, who have been living and/or working in The Netherlands, may decide to move their residency from The Netherlands to Belgium and retire in Belgium. Over the years, there has been quite some discussion and uncertainty in the Belgian fiscal landscape with respect to the taxation of Dutch AOW pensions, paid to tax residents
Notion of ‘vesting or payment’ of second-pillar complementary pensions aimed at being clarified by Practice Note
Article 64 of the Program Act of 22 June 2012 (B.S. 28.06.2012) has changed the tax rates applicable to lump-sum payments and surrender values of employer or company-sponsored pensions (i.e. second-pillar complementary pensions). The tax efficiency related to these types of pension plans results from the advantageous tax rates applied to deferred income. Depending on the beneficiary’s