Tax Authorities have issued circular (FAQ) relating to remuneration received from related foreign companies
Since 1 January 2019, a reporting obligation arises in the hands of Belgian companies for benefits granted/paid by a related foreign company to employees and company directors by reason of or at the occasion of their professional activity exercised on behalf of such a Belgian company (e.g. typically share-related remuneration but it also concerns other
France: upcoming new withholding tax rules for French non-resident taxpayers
On 1 January 2019, France implemented the greatest change in its personal income tax system in over 40 years through the creation of a Pay As You Earn withholding system for French tax residents. This new system that applies to the great majority of income earned by French tax residents (i.e. wages & pensions) has
Finprof announced postponement for submitting the withholding tax return for 2018 until 27 September 2019
Companies and payroll offices can still make corrections on the withholding tax declarations for 2018 up to 27 September 2019. After this final due date, a formal motivated tax claim will be required to amend the withholding tax returns. Also withholding tax exemptions, such as the R&D exemption, exemption for night and shift labor and
Benefits granted by foreign companies: Reporting and withholding tax obligation – approved by parliament
We refer to our previous headline of 22 January 2019 regarding the draft law introducing a reporting and wage withholding tax obligation in the hands of Belgian employers/companies, in case affiliated foreign companies grant taxable benefits to employees or company directors working for a Belgian company. The draft law is now approved by parliament and the measures
Benefits granted by foreign companies: Reporting and withholding tax obligation – Amended timetable
In our headline of headline of 22 January 2019 we informed you about the fact that the parliamentary finance commission has approved the draft law introducing a reporting and wage withholding tax obligation in the hands of Belgian employer/companies, in case affiliated foreign companies grant taxable benefits to employees or company directors working for a Belgian company. Once
Benefits granted by foreign companies: Reporting and withholding tax obligation – Update
Based on the current Belgian income tax legislation, there is no obligation to withhold, deduct and pay wage withholding taxes when benefits are granted by foreign (parent) companies to employees and/or company directors of Belgian (subsidiary) companies, provided the Belgian company does not intervene in the attribution of the benefits and provided no costs are re-charged
Wage cost reduction for shift labour in the construction sector
The Act of 26 March 2018 has introduced a specific regime for wage withholding tax exemption for shift labour in the construction sector. The legislation as existing in article 275/5 BITC regarding shift labour has thus been amended with an additional definition for shift labour in the construction sector. The Belgian tax administration issued on
Wage withholding tax scales as applicable for income year 2016
The Royal Decree of 16 December 2015 containing the Belgian wage withholding tax scales for income year 2016 was published in the Belgian Official Gazette of 21 December 2015. These annually updated wage withholding tax scales are applicable (for payroll purposes) to income that will be paid or attributed to individual resident or non-resident taxpayers