Belgian R&D tax exemption for Young Innovative Companies no illegal state aid Commission says
On 23 January 2015, the European Commission finalised its investigation of the tax incentive for innovative companies which aimed at encouraging R&D activities of new small companies in Belgium under the EU state aid rules. According to the Commission, this tax system complies with the EU state aid rules and can thus be maintained. Note
R&D tax benefits: only limited time to take action
Several measures have been taken to stimulate investments in R&D. One of these measures is the partial exemption of remittance of Belgian withholding taxes in the framework of research and development. As of July 2013, the exemption increased from 75% to 80%. Besides the increase in percentage, since 1 January 2014, a notification obligation has
Tax authorities target the partial exemption of remittance of Belgian withholding taxes
The amount of Belgian withholding taxes is based on the withholding income tax scales published in a Royal Decree. The Belgian income tax code foresees several exemptions (overtime, research and development, night and shift work,…) with respect to the remittance of Belgian withholding taxes. In this respect, it should be noted that the Belgian tax
Tax authorities target the partial exemption of remittance of Belgian withholding taxes
The amount of Belgian withholding taxes is based on the withholding income tax scales published in a Royal Decree. The Belgian income tax code foresees several exemptions (overtime, research and development, night and shift work, …) with respect to the remittance of Belgian withholding taxes. In this respect, it should be noted that the Belgian tax
Update – Economic Recovery Plan published in the Official Gazette
With reference to our previous HRS Headlines of 8 February 2013 and 28 May 2013, relating to the pre-draft tax bills dealing with sustainable development, we can inform you that this anticipated legislation has now been published in the Official Gazette. Among other things, it aims at affecting certain tax measures under the 2012 Economic
Economic recovery plan – Upcoming tax measures – update
As mentioned in our HRS Headline of 8 February 2013, at the initiative of the previous Minister of Finance, a pre-draft tax bill was approved in February dealing with sustainable development. The draft legislation, which was tabled in Parliament on 17 April 2013, was approved by the Chamber of Representatives on 16 May 2013 and
Economic Recovery plan – Upcoming tax measures
At the latest cabinet meeting, which took place on 7 February 2013, at the initiative of the Minister of Finance (Steven Vanackere), a pre-draft tax bill was approved dealing with sustainable development. This pre-draft legislation is intended to implement certain tax measures in the Economic Recovery Plan (Relanceplan) 2012, one of which is to increase