Difference in Belgian tax treatment of income from immovable property – contrary to EU law (free movement of capital)
On 12 April 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), ruled that the difference in tax treatment of immovable income, depending on whether the property is located in Belgium or in another State, is not in line with EU law, as it constitutes a restriction on the free movement of capital. Based
Belgian tax reform: impact on the real estate industry
Yesterday, the Belgian government reached an agreement on several tax measures, including a corporate tax reform and the introduction of an option to apply VAT on immovable letting. Although these measures will be developed further in detail in the coming months, it is already certain they will have an important impact on the Belgian real
Amendment of AIFM Law in view of the implementation of a new real estate investment vehicle, the FIIS
On 20 July 2016, the Parliament voted on Program Act II modifying amongst others the Belgian Act of 19 April 2014 on alternative investment funds and their managers (AIFM Law). These modifications were necessary to enable the adoption of a new royal decree implementing a new regime for real estate investment funds referred to as “Fonds
New Belgian Real Estate Investment Fund (FIIS): draft legislation introduced in Parliament
The draft Program Act of 28 June 2016 contains several tax rules applicable to the existing Belgian Regulated Real Estate Company (RREC*) and the new Belgian Real Estate Investment Fund (FIIS**) and creates the legal basis for the Belgian government to issue decrees implementing the FIIS regime. Final legislation is expected to be published during
Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: impacts on the real estate industry
EU countries reach political agreement on Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: impacts on the real estate industry The EU-28 Finance Ministers reached political agreement on 21 June 2016 on the Council Directive laying down rules against tax avoidance practices that directly affect the functioning of the internal market (also known as ATAD). Ministers decided not to include
Former prohibition of exemption of withholding tax on dividends distributed by Belgian Regulated Real Estate Companies annulled by Constitutional Court
On 11 May 2016, the Belgian Constitutional Court annulled the former prohibition of exemption of withholding tax on dividends distributed by Belgian Regulated Real Estate Companies (RRECs) on the ground that it was discriminatory compared to dividends paid by Belgian Real Estate Investment Funds (REIFs). The Act of 12 May 2014, applicable as from 16
Belgium – budgetary control 2016: real estate measures
On 9 April 2016, the federal government reached an agreement on additional budgetary and recovery measures following the 2016 budgetary control exercise. It has been confirmed that measures will be taken to make the Belgian real estate market more attractive for foreign investors (as further explained in the parliamentary procedures leading to the Tax Shift Act
VAT : incorporated company directors and liquidators subject to normal VAT rules
Services rendered by incorporated company directors and liquidators will be subject to VAT as from 1 January 2015. This stems from the fact that the former tolerance to opt for non-taxation will be cancelled as per 1 January 2015. This may have consequences for entities without a full VAT deduction right and for which services