What does the new government have in store in terms of Reward?
Late Friday night, the negotiators for a federal government reached an agreement that established the framework for the next four years. Below, we highlight some key elements that may affect reward practices of Belgian employers. Several envisaged measures may require employers to rethink their current reward mix: Flexible Remuneration: a legal framework is expected which
The updated benefit in kind for the private use of a company car – 12 months delay for a significant tax increase?
Executive summary Due to the acceleration of the electrification of the fleet, employees driving a combustion engine car were faced with an approx. 10% increase of the benefit in kind company car as of 2024. To mitigate the related tax cost for the individual, the Minister of Finance has announced a change in the calculation
End of the “old” special tax regime for expatriates: key changes starting January 2024
As of January 2024, the special tax regime applicable to certain expatriates in Belgium under the administrative tolerance (i.e. Circulaire n°Ci.RH.624/325.294 dd august 08.1983) has come to an end. If you are an expatriate who was in scope of the ‘old’ special tax regime until the end of December 2023, it is crucial to understand
Changes to the Belgian expat tax regime – Circular 2022/C/47
In the continuation of our series of newsflashes (last published on 10 March 2022 and 31 March 2022) in view of the new expatriate tax regime which came into effect on 1st January 2022, we would like to inform you that the tax authorities have issued their comments and views on this new regime in
(Non-)Executive Remuneration – Is your pay framework aligned with your sustainable and long-term goals?
Explanatory note concerning the remuneration of non-executive directors and members of the executive management We informed you of the release of the explanatory note on the remuneration report issued further to the introduction of the say on pay principle by the Revised Shareholders’ Rights Directive (SRD II) in our newsflash dated 24 February 2021. In
Home working expense allowance – update
On 1 July 2021 an addendum (Circular 2021/C/62) was issued to the Circular 2021/C/20 of 26 February 2021 on employer contributions for home office work. The Circular 2021/C/20 of 26 February 2021 discusses the tax system for employer contributions for home office work. According to this Circular, employers may grant employees who structurally and regularly
Implementing CRD V into Belgian law – we’re almost there…
In our newsflash dated 5 March 2021, we informed you of the draft law transposing certain EU directives into Belgian law that was approved in a first reading. One of those directives was the fifth Capital Requirements Directive (CRD V). On 27 May 2021, the Belgian government introduced a definitive version of the draft law
Corona Premium of EUR 1.000 down the drain?
A couple of weeks ago, in full corona crisis, there was some media coverage regarding the introduction of tax-free corona premiums. In our newsflash of 1 April 2020, we mentioned the proposal of the Belgian Minister of Finance of a Corona premium of EUR 1.000. Employers would be able to pay this premium free of