R&D wage withholding tax incentive audits – Mind the formalism and prepare yourself
As mentioned in our earlier newsflash the Belgian tax authorities have been issuing extensive and numerous tax audits with respect to the application of the wage withholding tax exemption for Research and Development over income year 2017. Please find hereafter some very important key takeaways. Mind the formalism and be prepared to substantiate the incentive claimed!
Withholding tax exemption for shift work – Update
Incorrect application of the withholding tax exemption for shift work can result in very substantial claims from the tax authorities. In a recent newspaper it was for example pointed out that VAB is risking to pay millions of euros to the Belgian tax authorities in case it would lose its case before court. Shiftwork is defined by law
Additional wave of tax audits to be expected with respect to withholding tax exemptions
The amount of wage withholding taxes to be withheld by the employer is based on the withholding income tax scales published in a Royal Decree. The Belgian Income Tax Code provides for several exemptions (overtime, R&D, night and shift work, etc.) with respect to the remittance of Belgian withholding taxes. During 2014, the Belgian tax authorities
R&D tax benefits: only limited time to take action
Several measures have been taken to stimulate investments in R&D. One of these measures is the partial exemption of remittance of Belgian withholding taxes in the framework of research and development. As of July 2013, the exemption increased from 75% to 80%. Besides the increase in percentage, since 1 January 2014, a notification obligation has