News articles written by Tim Pieters

Is your company ready for the digitalization of the Belgian (tax) authorities?

8 February 2023

The world is becoming more and more digital and also the Belgian (tax) authorities are catching up in this field. MyMinfin, e-Box, MyTax, WSE loket are only some of the digital applications currently being launched by the (tax) authorities in Belgium. Not only communications and documents are being digitized, also certain filings can no longer

Automation of statutory and tax reporting: the time to act is now

12 December 2022

Are you dealing with statutory and tax reporting? Is your reporting spreadsheet-based, with many human interventions, causing mistakes or frustrations from time to time? Is your reporting due in a very short-timeframe, whilst you have no sufficient resources in your department to keep up with ever increasing finance and tax requirements? Then the time to

Third quarter advance tax payment for assessment year 2023

6 October 2022

Companies with a year-end closing on 31 December 2022 have the opportunity to make an advance tax payment for the third quarter of the year until 10 October 2022 to avoid or reduce a tax surcharge. This tax surcharge of 6,75% will be applied on the final amount of the Belgian corporate income tax due upon assessment. If,

Expected notional interest rate deduction

28 September 2022

Expected notional interest deduction rate for assessment year 2024 The standard notional interest deduction (NID) rate for assessment year 2024 is expected to amount to 0,943%. For SMEs, the NID rate would be 1,443%. These rates should still be confirmed by a notice published in the Belgian Official Gazette. Less than a month ago, it was officially

Are you ready for the next compliance deadlines?

17 March 2022

Keeping track of all Belgian compliance obligations can be a challenge. For this reason, we are glad to share a compliance timeline. It is a little guide to help you keep track of the most important deadlines upcoming in 2022. This timeline includes the main due dates for legal and tax compliance obligations of a standard

Fee Forms 281.50: Reduction of the administrative burden

25 February 2022

French article: Fiches fiscales 281.50 : Réduction de la charge administrative Dutch article: Fiches 281.50: verlichting van de administratieve lasten   On 28 January 2022 the law on various tax provisions of 21 January 2022 was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. One of these provisions changed the regulations on the fee forms 281.50 with

Payments to tax havens : new circular letter published

21 January 2022

Belgian tax law foresees a reporting obligation for (in)direct payments made to tax havens (in case the total amount of these payments is minimum EUR 100,000 in the taxable period concerned). In this context, we also refer to our newsflash published on 1 July 2021. On 20 December 2021, a circular letter has been published