Final call for tax prepayments for assessment year 2018!
Companies with a year-end closing on 31 December 2017 can still make an advance tax payment for the fourth quarter of the year before 20 December 2017 to avoid a tax surcharge. For assessment year 2018, a global surcharge of 2,25% will be applied to the total amount of tax due (minus certain tax credits –
Update – New rules regarding the lump-sum value for PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet & internet put at the disposal via the employer – Royal decree enacted
In our Newsflash of 26 October 2017, we already made reference to new upcoming lump sum values. These anticipated changes have now been introduced by the Royal Decree of 2 November 2017, which was published in the Official Gazette on 13 November 2017. As from 1 January 2018, the following lump-sum valuations will be applicable
Belgium’s corporate tax reform becomes reality
Today the Federal government has published a press release regarding the agreement on the concrete implementation of the important corporate tax reform announced earlier in July 2017. The Act has been sent to the Council of State for advice and is expected to be voted by Parliament in the course of December 2017. The great achievement of this
New rules announced regarding the lump-sum value for PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet & internet put at the disposal via the employer
Recently, the Minister of Finance announced new rules for valuation of certain benefits in kind (pc, laptop, smartphone, tablet and internet) and this as from 1 January 2018. As a result, the personal income taxes & social security rules are simplified & aligned and (lump-sum) values are reduced to be more realistic. If an employer
Belgian Tax reform: Individuals – Reduction of tax benefits
In the scope of the agreement reached during the summer, the federal government announced several new tax measures. From a personal tax point of view, one of the changes foreseen is to reduce the tax benefits granted to people for whom the taxable period does not correspond to a full calendar year. In such case,
Notional interest deduction rate for tax year 2019 is 0,746%
The Belgian notional interest deduction (NID) rate for tax year 2019 (accounting years ending between 31 December 2018 and 30 December 2019, both dates included) would be 0,746%. For SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), the NID rate would be 1,246% for tax year 2019. According to article 205quater, §2 of the Belgian Income Tax Code
Belgian tax reform: Personal income tax – profit participation premium
Remark: the following announced measure will have to be formalised in draft legislation which should only be available as from September/October. Only then will full details be known. As already mentioned in the PwC Newsflash of 4 August, the federal government reached an agreement on 26 July 2017 on important tax, economic and social reform
Belgian tax reform: impact on M&A
The Belgian government has reached an agreement on an important tax, economic and social reform package. The contemplated changes aim to boost the Belgian economy through an investment friendly climate, but could also significantly impact deal structuring and due diligence processes. The highlights of the contemplated tax reform are the gradual reduction of the Belgian corporate