Parliament has approved Belgian Transfer Pricing Documentation Requirements
On 29 June 2016, the Belgian Parliament adopted the ‘programme law’ (introduced on 2 June 2016) that contains the introduction into Belgian tax law of specific transfer pricing documentation requirements (published in the Belgian Official Gazette of 4 July 2016). These requirements are based on Action 13 of the OECD /G20 BEPS Project. See our post
New Belgian Real Estate Investment Fund (FIIS): draft legislation introduced in Parliament
The draft Program Act of 28 June 2016 contains several tax rules applicable to the existing Belgian Regulated Real Estate Company (RREC*) and the new Belgian Real Estate Investment Fund (FIIS**) and creates the legal basis for the Belgian government to issue decrees implementing the FIIS regime. Final legislation is expected to be published during
New single annual bank tax announced
On Friday the 13th, the Council of Ministers approved a draft bill of law establishing a new single annual bank tax replacing four different existing taxes, with a view to a better distribution of the tax burden between small and large banks. Overall, it leads to a tax increase of EUR 55 million. As a
Belgium – budgetary control 2016: reform of corporate tax regime announced
On 9 April 2016, the federal government reached an agreement on additional budgetary and recovery measures following the 2016 budgetary control exercise. To keep the budget on track, among others the following tax measures have been agreed: Reform of the Belgian corporate income tax regime. The corporate income tax regime will be reformed in order
European Commission proposes Anti-Tax Avoidance Package
On 28 January 2016, the EU Commission presented its Anti-Tax Avoidance Package. The continuing political will to address tax avoidance may result in the 100% consensus required by EU Member States to effect the proposed tax changes. The EU-28 governments will have to decide if they are willing to go further than the G20/OECD BEPS
Draft Program Act of 26 November 2015 – Tax measures
A draft Program Act has recently been submitted to Belgian Parliament, containing the following tax measures: When a former employee has entered into the system of unemployment with company surcharge, takes up a new employment with another employer (or becomes self-employed), he is in principle still entitled to receive the company surcharge. This surcharge (and additional
Tax reform announced in the Flemish Region
Following the recent tax reform announcements in the Brussels Capital Region and Walloon Region, the Flemish Government has recently also announced a reform on the ‘tax reduction for mortgage loans concluded for the sole and own dwelling’. The changes envisaged will apply to mortgage loans concluded as of 2016. The condition of ‘sole’ dwelling will be abolished. Consequently,
Tax reform announced in the Walloon Region
Recently, the Walloon Government announced a tax reform with respect to the “tax reduction for mortgage loans for the sole and own dwelling”. In this respect, a so-called system of “chèque habitat” would be introduced. The tax reduction would be limited in time (for maximum 20 years) and depend on the net taxable income of