Government Agreements – What is on the Table in the Flemish and Walloon Regions?
The Flemish and Walloon regional governments have already reached their respective agreement. Some of the measures will introduce significant changes to the regional taxation landscape. However, these measures have not yet been voted and still need to follow the legislative process at the regional level. Both Regions will reduce their inheritance and gift taxes (following
Tax Bites Podcast – The Belgian government negotiations: what’s on the table?
The Belgian government negotiations are ongoing as we speak: what is in the ‘Nota De Wever’? Get a comprehensive overview from our experts in the latest edition of the tax bites podcast. Our experts reflect on how this can impact groups with Belgian activities. About the speakers Bart Van den Bussche Tim Van Sant Pieter
Super Nota of Bart De Wever – What was on the table?
In Bart De Wever’s “Super Nota,” the proposed tax reform introduces substantial changes to the existing tax system. This article summarises the tax measures that were under consideration and might be used as a starting point when negotiations start again. As political discussions are not final, the information presented here may be subject to change
Upcoming changes to the Belgian transfer pricing documentation forms
Transfer pricing documentation has become an integral part of the compliance obligations of Belgian entities since financial year 2016. A Belgian company (or a branch) that is a part of a multinational group will have to submit the form 275 LF (Local file) and the form 275 MF (Master file) in case one of the following
Belgian Tax Authorities publish additional (and much welcomed) guidelines in view of the Co-Operative Tax Compliance Programme and details on what they consider to be a “mature” Tax Control Framework (TCF)?
Flashback to 2018 – What is the CTCP? With its launch in 2018 and with the ultimate goal of (i) achieving faster legal certainty for companies and (ii) improving compliance with tax obligations, the Belgian Co-operative Tax Compliance Programme (CTCP) introduced a mindshift, from a reactive tax audit modus to a collaborative, proactive approach based
Belgian law amending the investment deduction and innovation income deduction regime published in the Official Gazette
On 29 May 2024, the law of 12 May 2024 containing various tax provisions was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. This law implements several changes to the regime of the investment deduction and the innovation income deduction (IID). Key features of the new legislation are summarized below. For more information, we refer to our
New withholding tax exemption for variable shifts adopted in Parliament
On 3 May 2024, the Belgian Parliament adopted the law concerning the new exemption of withholding tax for shift work with variable shifts. The law introduces the “variant bis”, aiming to ensure clarity and legal security, mitigating recent judicial decisions that restricted the definition of qualifying shift. For more information, we refer to our previous
Belgian draft law amending the investment deduction and innovation income deduction regime
On 29 February 2024, a draft law was submitted covering (amongst others) the investment deduction regime. The proposed changes to the investment deduction included in the preliminary draft law have largely been retained in the draft law submitted by the Belgian government to parliament (see also our newsflash of 14 November 2023). The following items