PwC’s Tax Bites podcast: Tax in 2021 – what to expect?
2020 was in many ways a challenging year, with several developments materialising in the tax domain. What will 2021 bring us in the area of taxation? Listen to our first Tax Bites podcast of the year to find out. In this episode, Pieter Deré is joined by Ellen Cortvriend, Gilles Franssens and Jean-Philippe Van West to take a closer look at the
New legislation impacting 30% EBITDA rule
In order to address criticism of the European Commission on inter alia the Belgian implementation of the “EBITDA interest limitation rule”, the Belgian legislator has published new legislation to address those. This might impact the financing of real estate, entities that perform factoring activities or entities active in “long-term public infrastructure projects”. The scope of
Company cars: decrease of the lump sum benefit in kind will no longer be possible
If we’re talking about company cars, there’s one element that keeps on coming back over the past few years: our fleet needs to become greener. Now, the Belgian parliament has introduced a Proposal of Law (Doc 55 0904 – 2019/2020)which is (again) looking at the reference CO2-emission which is used to determine the taxable benefit
Taxpayer relationship and tax audits in Belgium: what can we expect following the Belgian Minister of Finance’s policy note?
The Belgian Minister of Finance, Vincent Van Peteghem, has made his first official statements on the ambitions of the new government De Croo I in relation to the SPF/FOD Finance. Minister Van Peteghem, also in charge of the Coordination of the Fight against Fraud, presented his policy note on 4 November 2020 to the Belgian
Draft bill introducing a new annual tax on securities accounts
On 31 October 2020, the Council of Ministers approved a draft bill introducing a new annual tax on securities accounts in the Code of Various Duties and Taxes (CVDT). The Council of State is being requested to give its opinion on the draft bill. The Government intends to submit the bill to Parliament by year-end.
Further details on the tax measures of the Vivaldi government
Introduction The program law regarding the budget statement of 2021 has recently been issued by the Belgian Vivaldi government. Again an opportunity for the PwC tax reform news room to highlight the most important tax measures that have been introduced from a personal, corporate and indirect tax perspective. Personal tax Non-indexation of fiscal amounts For
New solidarity tax on security accounts?
Although the text is still in an early draft phase and still needs to be approved by the council of ministers, it was made public in the press that the idea of the new security tax seems to be a tax on the ownership of security accounts. The text of the pre-proposal is not yet
High net worth individuals on the radar of Vivaldi!
One of the measures announced by the newly formed government (“the Vivaldi coalition”) is the taxation of the major financial transactions (“MFTT”). Although only the main principles of this tax are known at this stage, the purpose would be to tax high net worth individuals. The impact of the tax is estimated between 150 to