Law on innovation income deduction: finally published
Finally, the new innovation income deduction (IID) has entered into force. Today, on 20 February 2017, the law with respect the IID has been published in the Belgian Official Gazette. The patent income deduction regime (PID) has been replaced with the IID regime in order to make it BEPS compliant, i.e. avoiding that business profits
Switzerland rejects Corporate Tax Reform III in public vote
With a majority of 59.1%, Swiss voters rejected the Corporate Tax Reform III (CTR III) in a public vote on February 12, 2017. CTR III, the result of a long and complex political process, would have abolished current existing tax regimes, such as the rules for holding or mixed companies. At the same time, the
New innovation income deduction: almost there!
On the last day of January 2017, the Finance Commission of the Chamber of Representatives adopted the draft law on innovation income deduction. This draft law should be adopted by the Chamber of Representatives during one of its plenary debates soon, which is scheduled for 2 February 2017. After that, the law can be published
Update on list of non-compliant countries – circular letter published
On 26 January 2017, a circular letter has been published with respect to the updated list of non-compliant countries in light of the international standards regarding transparency and exchange of information. More in particular, five new jurisdictions (Guatemala, Marshall Islands, (the Federal States of) Micronesia, Panama and Trinidad & Tobago) have been added to the
Commonly named “catch-all” clause – Amendments enacted
The commonly named “catch-all” clause (article 228, §3 BITC) has been recently amended. One of the main points requiring special attention is the addition of a new condition of application, namely the requirement of any direct or indirect link of interdependence. Below, we provide some background as regards the previous version of the “catch-all” clause
Likelihood of US Tax Reform reaches new high
The results of the US elections in November caught many by surprise with unexpected outcomes. Few predicted Republican candidate Donald J. Trump would be elected to serve as the next President. Republicans also retained majorities in both the US Senate and US House of Representatives. Expectations were for a split government for another 4 years
Non-confidential version of the EC’s State aid opening decision in GDF Suez published
On 5 January 2017, the European Commission (“EC”) published its opening decision in the formal investigation into Luxembourg tax rulings obtained by entities of GDF Suez. The opening decision dated 19 September 2016 explains the reasons for the initiation of the formal investigation and the additional information requested from Luxembourg in order to reach a
Law implementing recovery procedure with regard to the Belgian excess profit provision adopted
Belgium has adopted on 22 December 2016 the law covering the implementation of the European Commission (‘EC’) decision of 11 January 2016 (‘Decision’) with regard to the Belgian excess profit provision based on Article 185 §2 of Belgian Income Tax Code 1992 (‘BITC’). The law, which has been drafted in cooperation and with the approval