Changes to Strategic Transformation Support Programme from 2022 onwards


Vlaio has just released a new update regarding the well known Strategic Transformation Support programme. 

The Strategic Transformation Support programme is aimed at companies that are implementing a transformation with a strong innovative character to strengthen their international competitiveness. Companies can get up to 8% support for the accepted costs of mainly CAPEX investments and 20% for costs of training staff. Large companies are limited to training support. As from 1 January 2022, the evaluation criteria and funding support has been modified.

Changes to evaluation criteria

The criteria will be reduced to 5 main points, namely: 

  • The degree of innovativeness;
  • Contribution to the company’s international competitiveness;
  • Contribute to environmental sustainability, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions or the adaptation to climate change, and to social sustainability;
  • Contribution to the anchoring of the enterprise and employment;
  • Contribution to the strengthening of the value chain or cluster that is of strategic importance for Flanders, and to the strengthening of the Flemish economy.

Important to note: 

  • In contrast to the current assessment, a project must achieve at least the basic score on all parameters. These range from high to low between excellent, good, neutral and negative. There is a separate minimum score for each parameter depending on company size;
  • The parameters “internationalisation” and “sustainability” are interpreted more strictly, meaning they will be more important and weigh more heavily in the evaluation;
  • For the parameter ’employment’, no aid is given if no additional employment is created;
  • A competition analysis and a climate plan will be compulsory appendices.

Maximum support

  • The maximum aid ceiling will be limited to € 500.000; with the exception of projects of exceptional importance in terms of sustainability or climate impacts which can receive up  to € 1 million.
  • The percentages for the basic aid remain unchanged: 8% for investments and 20% for training.

From 1 January 2022, the aid has been adjusted and submission according to these new regulations is possible as of 3 January 2022.

Get in touch with your local PwC contact person to find out more on this opportunity, and on how we can assist you.
