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30 March 2023

Are you ready for the next compliance deadlines?

The focus on compliance from different stakeholders has become even more important lately. Meeting deadlines and avoiding penalties is the general expectation but a true challenge for many companies. Therefore, we are glad to share a compliance timeline again. It is a little roadmap to help you keep track of the most important deadlines upcoming

17 March 2023

EU Green Deal Industrial Plan – Latest developments from the European Commission

Net Zero Industrial Act The EU Green Deal Industrial Plan is quickly becoming reality. This ambitious plan announced by Ursula Von der Leyen one month ago (1) sets out a comprehensive approach to support a green-tech scale-up based on four pillars: 1) simplified regulatory environment, 2) mobilising private and public funding, 3) upskilling workforce and

3 March 2023

The Belgian Minister of Finance proposes long awaited tax reform.

Finance Minister Vincent Van Peteghem launched his proposal for a first phase in the Belgian tax reform. This proposal was already announced several months ago and is now being put formally on the table. What we are looking at today is still a proposal that will now go into the legislative process. The aim is

23 February 2023

War for Business – Challenges for Europe on the incentives playing field

As boldly stated by the president of the European Commission – Ursula von der Leyen, the European Union should undertake more concrete actions to counter the massive subsidy packages currently being offered by the Chinese government to companies in the clean-tech sector and beyond. In addition, the US has also recently implemented a new bill