Latest news & developments
Belgium agrees on core principles for implementation of the Global Minimum Tax (GloBE/Pillar 2) for MNE’s and some additional tax measures
The Belgian government reached an agreement on the Federal budget. After long discussions within the government, a number of measures have been decided that will reduce expenditures and measures that will increase revenue. One of the key elements in the budget decision was the decision on the core principles of the introduction of Pillar 2
Pay transparency is coming! How to get it right?
On 30 March 2023, the European Parliament adopted the Pay Transparency Directive with the aim of eliminating the gender pay gap by providing workers with access to information necessary to assess whether they are being paid fairly compared to other workers in the same organization. The directive also introduces enforcement mechanisms enabling workers to claim
Are you ready for the next compliance deadlines?
The focus on compliance from different stakeholders has become even more important lately. Meeting deadlines and avoiding penalties is the general expectation but a true challenge for many companies. Therefore, we are glad to share a compliance timeline again. It is a little roadmap to help you keep track of the most important deadlines upcoming
Tax Treaty concluded between Belgium and Luxembourg – The 24-day limit officially becomes the 34-day limit
In line with the OECD Model Convention, the treaty for the avoidance of double taxation concluded between Belgium and Luxembourg applies the ‘Work State’ principle. This means that a resident of a country working in another country is taxable in the country where the activity is performed. The Work State principle implies that a Belgian
Contribution in Fiscale Actualiteit on reporting obligations of platform operators as of 1 January 2023
We are very grateful that Fiscale Actualiteit has published on the frontpage of the latest edition our article regarding the implementation into Belgian legislation of DAC 7 (Fiscale Actualiteit nr. 2023/08, pag. 1-5, week 2 – 8 maart 2023). As of the 1st of January this year new reporting obligations entered into force in Belgium as in
European Commission temporarily relaxes State Aid measures in support of the Green Deal Industrial Plan
The European Commission has approved new measures via the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework (TCTF) in support of the transition towards a net-zero economy. The Commission’s goal is to speed up investment and financing for clean tech production within the Union which, in turn, supports the European Green Deal as well as delivering on specific
EU Green Deal Industrial Plan – Latest developments from the European Commission
Net Zero Industrial Act The EU Green Deal Industrial Plan is quickly becoming reality. This ambitious plan announced by Ursula Von der Leyen one month ago (1) sets out a comprehensive approach to support a green-tech scale-up based on four pillars: 1) simplified regulatory environment, 2) mobilising private and public funding, 3) upskilling workforce and
Consider your anticipated cashflow and the opportunity of an early advance tax payment
Unless a company pays its Belgian corporate income taxes due by means of timely advance tax payments during the financial year concerned, a surcharge is due on the final amount of Belgian corporate income tax due upon assessment. If advance tax payments are made, credits – which can be offset against the surcharge – are