Latest news & developments
Publication dates of the EU’s LIFE 2022 calls have been announced
The European Commission’s CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) has just announced the publication dates of the new 2022 calls for proposals of the LIFE programme. With a sizable budget of € 5.4 billion from 2021 to 2027, this EU funding programme is entirely dedicated to nature-related, climate action and environmental projects. It
Newsflash – Changes to the Belgian expat tax regime – Circular 2022/C/9
Until 31 December 2021, if specific conditions were met, the Belgian special tax regime for executives, researchers and other specialised staff could become applicable to the employment situation of foreign nationals working temporarily in Belgium. This regime was based on the Circular from 8 August 1983. In our previous newsflashes of 15 October 2021, 3
New incentive opportunities for circular economy in the manufacturing industry in Flanders
The Flemish Government is fully committed towards a circular economy. This commitment is reflected in the Flemish Resilience Recovery Plan and supports the ambition to reduce the material footprint and greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 in line with the broader European goals. In this regard, the Flemish Government just launched two new incentive programmes: ‘circular
Belgian Tax authorities publish FAQs on reporting obligations for digital platform operators
The Belgian Tax Authorities recently published Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”) clarifying the reporting obligations for digital platform operators. A key takeaway is the upcoming due date for the first filings and their format. There are two important deadlines. First, by the end of February, in scope digital platform operators must inform service providers active on
Payments to tax havens : new circular letter published
Belgian tax law foresees a reporting obligation for (in)direct payments made to tax havens (in case the total amount of these payments is minimum EUR 100,000 in the taxable period concerned). In this context, we also refer to our newsflash published on 1 July 2021. On 20 December 2021, a circular letter has been published
Everything you need to know about the new special tax regime in Belgium
We refer to our previous newsflash of 6 January 2022 in which we informed you that the new Belgian expat regime has been voted on 23 December 2021 and published on 31 December 2021 in the Official Gazette with entrance into force as of 1 January 2022. We welcome you to our web-based platform which
A great jumpstart to 2022: Belgium adopts a new tax framework for ELTIFs
Before Christmas, there was good news on the tax and economic front: a draft law on various tax provisions proposing to extend the tax regime of Belgian regulated investment funds to “European long-term investment funds” (ELTIFs) was presented to parliament. The draft law was adopted yesterday, meaning that Belgium’s now well-equipped with the appropriate investment
Lump sum benefit in kind for electricity and heating no longer possible without the provision of housing
All income that you receive from your employer is subject to income taxes. This is also the case for non-cash elements. In general, taxes should be paid on the actual value received by the employee, meaning the value that (s)he would have paid in case the employer wouldn’t intervene in such a cost. However, for