Changes to the Belgian ‘expat’ tax regime – extension until 30 september 2022
Since last week, the Belgian Chamber of Representatives is in the process of adopting a draft law aimed at extending the deadline for applications for the new special tax regime for incoming taxpayers and incoming researchers and for “opt-in” requests. As a reminder, new applications had to be submitted electronically by the employer or company
Update on submission of CbCR Notification (i.e. form 275 CBC NOT)
On 2 May 2019, a law was approved including an update on the notification obligation of each Belgian group entity of a multinational group with regard to filing a country-by-country report. The law was published in the Belgian official gazette on 15 May 2019. The above notification obligation, which is included in article 321/3 of
New Royal Decree published on legal constructions outside EEA falling in the scope of the Cayman Tax
Cayman Tax The so-called ‘Cayman Tax’, introduced as from 1 January 2015, is a taxation regime in the Belgian income tax code that introduces a tax transparency of certain legal constructions that have been set up by Belgian private individual tax residents. The income of certain qualifying entities will be taxed directly in the hands