What’s new on the incentive horizon? – January 2023 update
As the funding landscape is continuously evolving, new calls for proposals are opening regularly in different focus areas. With this short newsletter, we provide you an overview on the main funding opportunities and developments at European level as well as in Flanders, Belgium. Europe – New Eureka call for low carbon projects Eureka launched
What are the Belgian and European governments doing to support your company in tackling climate change during the energy crisis?
As a result of the active geopolitical tensions, both our households and businesses share the same burden of rising energy costs and continuous inflation. In parallel our continuous battle against climate change is still ongoing. Fortunately, the European Commission, together with national and regional governments haven’t forgotten about this pressing issue. As a matter of
International funding for collaborative projects focusing on lowering carbon emissions: Eureka leads the way!
Last month, the Eureka network launched a joint project call for transnational R&D collaborations between independent entities from Austria, Belgium, Chile, France, and Spain. With this call, Eureka funds innovative R&D projects focusing on low carbon emissions. Companies have until 24 February 2023 to submit a proposal. What is Eureka? Eureka is the world’s largest
PwC as your guide in the changing Flemish incentive landscape
From the 1st of October 2022, establishing a climate plan and submitting a summary thereof became a new mandatory admissibility requirement for large companies and / or energy-intensive companies applying to most VLAIO subsidy programmes. The climate plan itself is an explanatory document containing the key actions a company will take in the coming years
Creating a healthier Europe through the EU4Health funding programme
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the existing weaknesses of the national healthcare systems. Indeed, it has highlighted the importance of crisis preparedness, resilient healthcare systems and coordination among European countries. The EU4Health programme is the European Commission’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and EU’s largest health programme. The actions funded by the programme go
Monthly Incentives newsletter
The funding landscape is continuously evolving, with new calls for proposals opening regularly in different areas. With this newsletter, we provide you a brief overview of the latest funding opportunities and developments at the European and regional level. Water4All Call The Joint Transnational Call “Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme
Enabling the digital transformation for people and businesses through European funding
Digital technology is continuously changing and transforming both the lives of people and businesses. To accelerate this transformation, the European Commission is determined to make this Europe’s “Digital Decade”. Europe must now strengthen its digital sovereignty and set standards, rather than following those of others – with a clear focus on data, technology, and infrastructure.
How VLAIO translates the Flemish Energy and Climate plan into their funding application requirements
The long term strategy of the EU is to become climate neutral by 2050 by transitioning its economy to become net zero in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As such, the Commission proposed the 2030 Climate Target Plan to raise the EU’s ambition on reducing GHG emissions to at least 55% below 1990 levels by 2030.