Update: Increased credit percentages for advance tax payments
In our newsflash dated 10 March 2020, we have highlighted the main aspects of the Belgian advance tax payment scheme. Considering the current COVID-19 crisis and its impact on the Belgian economy, it has been decided that the tax credit related to the advance tax payments to be made for the third and fourth quarters
Following the right procedures more important than ever when in financial distress
As the spread of Covid-19 undoubtedly has a huge impact on the economy, a significant number of companies will very likely be confronted with losses, possibly putting the going-concern of their business into question. Besides the necessary disclosure in the annual management report so as to reflect and elaborate on such impact in the “post-closing”
COVID-19: a multi country overview of supportive measures – update
COVID-19 presents significant challenges to people and organisations around the globe and the disruption continues to evolve. We know that your business is facing several potentially significant tax challenges to which you need to respond rapidly. To help you cut through the complexity, PwC’s team of specialists collaborated to create a resource for you to
Belgian transfer pricing audits: new wave initiated
Last week, the Belgian tax authorities have initiated a new wave of transfer pricing audits. Multiple taxpayers have already received or will receive in the next few days an in-depth questionnaire that focuses on their transfer pricing arrangements. The request for information on intercompany transactions and activities of the Belgian company or branch is the
COVID-19 update: Circular letter on exemption conditions for write-downs on trade receivables
Aware of the significant impact of the pandemic on the economy, the Belgian tax authorities have very recently published an updated circular letter on the exemption conditions for write-downs on trade receivables (Circular 2020/C/45 dated 23 March 2020). In this circular letter, the tax authorities acknowledge the spread of the Covid-19 virus and the drastic
COVID-19: a multi country overview of supportive measures
The continued spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is forcing governments to take drastic measures to take back control over the human impact of COVID-19 and reduce the number of contaminations. There is no doubt that this pandemic is equally having a detrimental impact on the global economy. Throughout the world, countries take a multitude of
European Commission adopts temporary State aid framework enabling EU Member States to support their economies during the COVID-19 crisis
The European Commission adopted a temporary framework setting out the possibilities for EU Member States to support the economy during the COVID-19 crisis on 19 March 2020 under the European State aid rules. Such framework set outs the possibilities under which EU Member States can enact legislation and take actions to provide state support to
COVID-19: a multi country overview of supportive measures
The continued spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is forcing governments to take drastic measures to take back control over the human impact of COVID-19 and reduce the number of contaminations. There is no doubt that this pandemic is equally having a detrimental impact on the global economy. Throughout the world, countries take a multitude of