Belgian transfer pricing audits: new wave initiated
Last week, the Belgian tax authorities have initiated a new wave of transfer pricing audits. Multiple taxpayers have already received or will receive in the next few days an in-depth questionnaire that focuses on their transfer pricing arrangements. The request for information on intercompany transactions and activities of the Belgian company or branch is the
Tax dispute resolution – Belgium obtains positive peer review on its Mutual Agreement Procedure practice
Background Improving dispute resolution mechanisms as regards the application and interpretation of tax treaties is high on the agenda of the OECD and a number of countries. Under BEPS Action 14, there is a broad commitment to implement a minimum standard to strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of Mutual Agreement Procedures (“MAP”). One of the
Belgium implements new EU Tax Dispute Resolution Directive
On 2 May 2019, Belgium completed the implementation process of the Directive on tax dispute resolution mechanisms in the EU (Council Directive 2017/1852 of 10 October 2017). This enhanced procedure for resolving cross-border direct tax disputes puts taxpayer rights at the forefront, has a broader scope of application as well as an obligation for the
Belgian Ratification of the MLI: a Game Changer in the International Tax Field
On 6 May 2019, the legislative documents implementing the Multilateral Convention to Implement Tax Treaty Related Measures to Prevent BEPS (also known as the MLI) was finally approved by all 6 legislative authorities in Belgium. The Belgian law ratified the full application of the MLI and its Explanatory Note, the reservations and notifications made by
CJEU holds German RETT exemption for group restructurings not to be State aid in upstream merger case
On 19 December 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued its judgment in the case of A-Brauerei (C-374/17). A brief overview of the judgment can be found via this PwC EUDTG Newsalert – 20 December 2018 (CJEU holds German RETT exemption_ for group restructurings not to be State aid in upstream merger_ case)
Belgian tax administration publishes draft circular letter on transfer pricing
On 9 November 2018, the Belgian tax administration published a draft circular letter on the 2017 version of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and Tax Administrations (2017 OECD TPG). Interested parties are invited to send their comments on the draft to by 12 December 2018. Attention needs to be paid that
Multilateral transfer pricing audits: EU JTPF publishes recommendations
The EU Joint Transfer Pricing Forum (“EU JTPF” or “the Forum”) recently published its report “A coordinated approach to transfer pricing controls within the EU”, which aims to address the lack of guidance on bilateral and multilateral transfer pricing audits. The objective of the report, inspired by a number of successful pilot cases, is to
Belgium launches pilot program on cooperative tax compliance
The Large Enterprises Division of the Belgian tax administration (“LE Division”) announced the launch of a two-year pilot project on cooperative tax compliance (Cooperative Tax Compliance Program – “CTCP”). The program is aimed at transforming the traditional approach of ex-post tax investigations towards a system of proactive, real-time and constructive dialogue on the tax affairs of corporates.