Last month, the Eureka network launched a joint project call for transnational R&D collaborations between independent entities from Austria, Belgium, Chile, France, and Spain. With this call, Eureka funds innovative R&D projects focusing on low carbon emissions. Companies have until 24 February 2023 to submit a proposal.
What is Eureka?
Eureka is the world’s largest public network for international cooperation on R&D and innovation, represented in over 45 countries. Their main goal is to drive international collaboration by providing access to public funding. Towards this end, they regularly launch new project calls to tackle a specific topic. Next to funding opportunities, they also offer personalised advice to support the development of project ideas and drive their future commercialisation.
Eligible projects?
Collaboration between at least two independent entities from two different eligible countries is expected. In addition, the general aim of the project must be to perform research and develop an innovative product, process or service with a clear commercialisation goal. Furthermore, no single organisation or country participating in a project consortium can be responsible for more than 70% of the project budget.
The joint project call is open to a broad range of application domains but with a particular focus on innovative projects related to low carbon emissions. Below, an overview of the thematic areas and application domains is presented.

Potential benefit?
The funding amounts depend on the participating countries, their national funding bodies and the rules they apply. In what follows, an overview of the aid percentages* for each participating country and their respective regional funding bodies is presented.

* Funding percentages depend on factors including company size, project specifications, type of partnership and the consortium composition.
Companies from other countries that are not listed in the scope of this call are permitted to participate in a project, however, they will not receive any funding from the participating countries’ national funding bodies committed to this call or their own national agencies.

Regular Eureka network projects
In case you have a collaborative project on another topic than mentioned above, or with independent entities from more or other countries, you can also submit your project to the regular Eureka ‘Network Projects’ programme. This programme is open all year round, allowing you to develop your R&D goals in any technological field and market. The application process and potential benefits are similar as described above.
To find out more on Eureka and on how we can assist you, please reach out to Tom Wallyn or Bart Wyns of the PwC Incentives Hub.