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25 August 2023

Statutory financial statements filing deadline has passed: time for action

Belgian companies having a 31 December year-end should have deposited their statutory financial statements with the National Bank of Belgium (“NBB”) at the latest by 31 July 2023 at the very latest.  Late filing results in a number of negative consequences from a financial, director’s liability and corporate income tax perspective (see below). If your

23 August 2023

CBAM – Implementing act approved and guidance released

On 17 August 2023, the European Commission adopted the Implementing Regulation for the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The approved Implementing Regulation and accompanying guidance:  Confirms the reporting obligations for the CBAM Transitional Period, which commences on 1 October 2023. Furthermore, it confirms that the CBAM reporting requirements and methodology will provide some flexibility when

16 August 2023

Interest paid to qualifying foreign EEA AIFs may now benefit from the Belgian WHT exemption

On 26 July, a new Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree implementing the Belgian Income tax code (RD/BITC) was published. The Decree includes various amendments, but one of the main updates was the extension of the withholding tax (WHT) exemption to Belgian sourced interest paid to foreign institutional Alternative Investment Funds (AIF). In principle, interest

8 August 2023

Mid-summer tax update

As we reach mid-summer, it’s time to do a short wrap-up of some of the recent tax developments to keep you up to date in this ever-changing tax landscape. In this update we will cover the following topics: Council of Ministers accept the Belgian implementation of the Public CbCR Directive Belgian Parliament considers bill to

31 July 2023

Tax Bites Podcast – Future-proofing your statutory reporting function (Part 3)

Future-proofing your statutory reporting function: how to accommodate compliant local statutory ledgers in your Business ERP? In this third episode of our mini series we look at the ideal end state – dual ledger accounting. How do you ensure you meet the local statutory and tax requirements while reaping the benefits of centralization and standardization

24 July 2023

Tax Bites Podcast – Future-proofing your statutory reporting function (Part 2)

Future-proofing your statutory reporting function: how to improve your statutory financials production by solving your data challenges In this second episode of our mini series we first dive deeper into the types of STAT data as well as GAAP to STAT differences and how to accommodate for these in the most preferred way. Then we

10 July 2023

Tax Bites Podcast: Future-proofing your statutory reporting function (Part 1)

This episode is the first in a series where we will explore the topic of future-proofing the statutory reporting function and the close link to tax. We start with setting the scene, why it’s such a hot topic today. We touch upon what that future-proof model could look like as well as the framework to