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21 April 2023

PwC’s Pillar Two Country Tracker

PwC has recently launched the Pillar Two Country Tracker, a tool designed to track the status of the implementation of Pillar Two around the globe. Specifically, Pillar Two focuses on the introduction of a global minimum Effective Tax Rate (ETR) applicable to multinational groups with consolidated revenue of over €750 million. Such groups will be

12 April 2023

VAT & Digital Services: European Commission on NFTs and Implications from OnlyFans EUCJ Case

VAT Treatment of NFTs: The European Commission has published Working Paper 1060, offering initial insights into the VAT treatment of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).  The document aims to collect input from Member States to establish a consensus on NFTs’ VAT treatment. It emphasizes the complexity of NFTs, highlighting the following points: NFT VAT treatment necessitates case-by-case

11 April 2023

Transform your business with Power BI visualizations!

In today’s business landscape, data is king. Companies are generating more data than ever before. However, without the right tools, it can be overwhelming and difficult to grasp the essence of it all in a concise manner. This is where Power BI visualizations can make a difference. Power BI is a powerful data visualization tool

4 April 2023

2023 proxy season – Belgian Companies brace for Shareholder Vote on Remuneration Policy

Belgian companies are gearing up for their annual general meetings and preparing for the vote on their remuneration policy and report, as mandated by the revised shareholder directive (SRD II). This vote, known as “say on pay,” allows shareholders to have a say in the company’s remuneration policy and report. Under the SRD II, companies

31 March 2023

Power Purchase Agreements and Contracts for Differences: unraveling the complexity!

The EC’s Electricity Market Reform Proposal The European Commission (EU) has proposed a reform to its electricity market design. The idea behind the reform is to accelerate the transition to renewables and reduce the dependency on Russian gas before next winter (1). The reform also aims to make consumer bills less dependent on volatile fossil

30 March 2023

Pay transparency is coming! How to get it right?

On 30 March 2023, the European Parliament adopted the Pay Transparency Directive with the aim of eliminating the gender pay gap by providing workers with access to information necessary to assess whether they are being paid fairly compared to other workers in the same organization. The directive also introduces enforcement mechanisms enabling workers to claim