Income tax thresholds for gifts to employees have been increased
In our newsletter of 27 November, we recalled the possibility to present employees with year-end gifts, free from social security contributions and income taxes. We mentioned that, although the maximum amount of those gifts for social security purposes was increased in July, the income tax amount was not yet adjusted accordingly. However, on 5 December,
Cayman tax enacted – List of legal entities published
With the Program Law of 10 August 2015, the so-called “Cayman tax” has been implemented. Under this regime, certain legal constructions are treated as transparent for Belgian tax purposes, implying that income generated by them is taxable or their founders or beneficiaries. The Cayman tax is in principle applicable to income that is obtained, attributed or paid
Cayman Tax: tax transparency for ‘legal constructions’
Currently, a bill of law is discussed at the level of the Belgian federal government concerning the so-called Cayman Tax. In principle, the new rule would be applicable as from assessment year 2016 (i.e. income collected during calendar year 2015). The Cayman Tax is a tax on certain income that is derived, through legal constructions,
Belgian tax authorities announce tax audits
The Belgian tax authorities prefer to communicate in an open way on how they make the selection of taxpayers that can be subject to a tax audit. Just like in previous years, the Belgian tax authorities have in this framework announced their focus when making selecting taxpayers for 2015 that will be subject to a
Legislative proposal for reforming the eco-voucher system introduced
Members of the largest Dutch-speaking Federal Government party (N-VA) have proposed to change the current eco voucher system in Belgium. The proposal suggests replacing the paper eco vouchers with a non-taxable cash allowance (‘net bonus’). The conditions for benefitting from the beneficial tax and social security treatment would remain unchanged. Recently, a similar proposal suggested changes