Search Results for: esg

Tax Bites Podcast – What’s going on at the UN? The draft Terms of Reference for negotiating a Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation

13 June 2024

In this episode, we share our first impressions on the ‘Zero Draft’ Terms of Reference (ToR) for a UN Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation released by the United Nations (UN) on 7 June 2024. Furthermore, we provide a brief overview of other important international and European tax developments. Tune in to get our first take on

It’s a wrap! CBAM Roundtables at our PwC Liege, Antwerp and Brussels Campuses on the topic of ‘CBAM: Transitional period – Lessons learnt from the first reporting’.

22 February 2024

The events were attended by our clients and companies in scope of CBAM, the industry’s federation members, the officials from the Belgian Customs Authority as well as the members from the National Competent Authority for CBAM in Belgium, the FPS Public Health.  We thank all the participants for their valuable insights and sharing their experiences

The EU is preparing for an overhaul of the EU’s energy market: Flemish and EU incentives can help companies thrive in this new energy landscape

22 February 2023

Europe is currently facing a double energy crisis. On the one hand, the geopolitical tensions with Russia have substantially reduced the supply of natural gas, putting into jeopardy the block’s ability to meet its energy demand. On the other hand, climate change and the need for a more sustainable energy future has become a pressing