Update of the Belgian EBITDA rule provides opportunities for infrastructure and energy sector
Recently the Belgian legislator published a Royal Decree containing some clarifications on the repair law of 20 December 2020 containing changes to the 30% EBITDA rule. As mentioned in our previous Newsflash of 6 January 2021, the Belgian legislator published on 20 December 2020 new legislation in order to address criticism of the European Commission
Important update on payments to tax havens for assessment year 2021
Companies making direct or indirect payments to recipients established in so-called tax havens are required to report these payments where they in total exceed EUR 100,000 during the taxable period. A tax haven is defined as a country that does not effectively or substantially apply the standard on exchange of information on request (so-called OECD
Horizon Europe: Time has come!
After a long wait, the first main calls of Horizon Europe are finally open! If you’re part of innovation projects led by strategic partnerships and are looking for funding, this programme is made for you. Nonetheless, finding your way through the various calls for projects in Horizon Europe, applying and managing such projects is complex.
Tax Bites Podcast – Tax Control Framework
Tax Control Framework: be in control of your taxes – and prove it ! With reputational and financial damage at stake, the need to be in control of your taxes and have sound tax risk management is rising rapidly. This transformation is especially important – and also challenging – in a tax landscape where sustainability,
New Administrative Circular regarding the Belgian Tax on Savings Income – Asset Test and BTIS computation in case of funds of funds
On June 10, 2021, the Belgian tax administration has issued the Administrative Circular number 2021/C/56 regarding the Belgian Tax on Savings Income (“BTSI” hereafter – article 19bis of the Belgian Income Tax Code). Circulaire 2021/C/56 – French Circulaire 2021/C/56 – Dutch The main objective of the above-mentioned circular is to highlight methodological points regarding the
G7 commits to a global minimum tax of at least 15% and taxation of digitalised economy
The G7 finance ministers published on 5 June 2021 a Communiqué announcing that they reached a high-level political agreement on a global tax reform. In particular, they agreed on the reallocation of a share of the profits of certain multinational enterprises to market jurisdictions (Pillar 1) and a global minimum tax of at least 15%
Country-by-country reporting goes public!
On 1 June 2021, representatives of the European Parliament and the Council under EU Portuguese Presidency negotiated a Draft Directive on public country-by-country reporting (‘Public CbCR’) for big multinational groups. They provisionally reached a compromise agreement. Once this political agreement is endorsed, it requires European or non-European multinational groups or standalone undertakings to publicly disclose
Tax Bites Podcast – EU Business Taxation Roadmap
EU Roadmap for Business Taxation: EU Dynamite? On 18 May 2021, an important development in EU Tax policy took place when the European Commission announced their roadmap for Business Taxation for the 21st Century. This roadmap, published today, outlines 5 actions that the European Commission proposes to take in the coming months in Europe (some