COVID-19: New supportive Belgian tax measures
On 16 May 2020, after the first wave of supportive measures to mitigate the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis, the Council of Ministers adopted a draft law including new tax recovery measures. These provisions have as main aim to avoid a series of bankruptcies and to help companies to rebuild their liquidity and solvency positions.
Administrative circular on spin-off transactions
On April 20th, 2020, the Belgian Tax Administration issued the circular 2020/C/55 further detailing the tax treatment of spin-off transactions according to article 264, first paragraph, 4° of the BITC 92. Context As a reminder, the so-called spin-off transactions are not demerger transactions nor transactions assimilated to a demerger, as defined by article 2, §1,
Brexit and COVID-19: another extension debate?
As, today, companies are dealing, as a priority, with the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on their overall business, the question arises what impact COVID-19 will have on the Brexit timeline. The UK formally left the EU on 31 January 2020. Unless an extension is requested before 1 July, the agreed transition period will
Filing your Belgian corporate income tax return and local form – general due date of 24 September 2020
Have you considered the impact of the new 30% EBITDA-rule? Belgian companies (and non-resident companies with a Belgian establishment) have the yearly obligation to file a Belgian (non-resident) corporate income tax return within the statutory deadline. In principle -in case of a financial year that ended per 31 December 2019- this tax return (linked to
EBITDA Interest Limitation Rule: New Circular Letter avoids unintended consequences when obtaining payment holidays
On 5 May 2020, the Belgian tax administration published its Circular Letter 2020/C/62 on specific payment holidays negotiated in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. More in particular, this circular accepts that certain loans will not lose their “grandfathered” status in case specific modifications are negotiated to loan agreements so to bridge temporary payment difficulties.
Fee forms 281.50: the filing deadline of 29 June is approaching!
Over the past few weeks, the Belgian government has taken many measures to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Even though many filing and payment delays have been announced, no communication has (currently) been made as regards the filing due date of the fee forms 281.50. Consequently, as per today, fee forms 281.50 are
Impact of COVID-19 on your globally mobile employees
Currently, most companies have employees who are business travelers or who work (and live) in a different country due to assignments, intracompany moves, projects, etc. The continued spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) confronts the Global Mobility function of organisations with multiple complexities of managing these employees. As safety and welfare of employees is the top
COVID-19: a multi country overview of supportive measures – update
COVID-19 presents significant challenges to people and organisations around the globe and the disruption continues to evolve. We know that your business is facing several potentially significant tax challenges to which you need to respond rapidly. To help you cut through the complexity, PwC’s team of specialists collaborated to create a resource for you to