Company cars, internal capital gains, withholding tax, … What are the new tax measures for the year end?
Last October, the Federal Government reached an agreement on the budget and, in this framework, on several tax measures. The most important ones relate to the taxation of company cars and the end of the tax-free step-up in the case of a contribution in capital of shares by an individual (commonly referred to as “internal
New PID Regime: Innovation Income Deduction
On 2 December 2016, the Council of Ministers approved the draft Bill on the new Innovation Income Deduction regime. This pre-draft law still has to be approved by Parliament, so the below is still subject to changes. In contrast to the previous Patent Income Deduction (PID) regime, the qualifying patent/innovation income will be calculated on
Draft law on the new Belgian Innovation Income Deduction
Today, the Council of Ministers approved the new Belgian Innovation Income Deduction (IID) which will be BEPS-compliant and will replace the abolished Patent Income Deduction. The draft law is now subject to recommendations from the Council of State. The important takeaways of the IID are: The taxable result of a Belgian company or branch will
New bank tax – practice note
The Belgian tax authorities just issued a practice note with respect to the new bank tax. For late payers, it states that tax should be paid before 30 November 2016. Read the French or Dutch version.
Belgian Fairness Tax: Status Quaestionis
Introduction. By request sent to the Constitutional Court, a Belgian taxpayer company has filed in January 2014 an action for annulment of the so-called Belgian ‘Fairness Tax’. This action comprises four different causes of action each of them including different headings or arguments: European law: freedom of establishment and Parent-Subsidiary Directive ; Constitutional law: lawfulness principle ; Constitutional law:
European Commission proposes Corporate Tax Package
On 25 October 2016, the European Commission (EC) adopted yet another comprehensive tax package which consists of four new draft EU Directives on: a Common Corporate Tax Base (CCTB Directive) a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB Directive) hybrid mismatches with third countries double taxation dispute resolution mechanisms in the EU (Dispute Resolution Directive) In
Budget 2017: New tax measures announced – Corporate tax reform reconfirmed but not yet decided
In the framework of the budget for 2017, the Federal Government reached an agreement on several tax measures. On 16 October 2016, during the policy statement, the Prime Minister announced what follows: The speculation tax for individuals on the transfer of quoted shares would be abolished as of 1 January 2017; Tax on stock exchange
Notional interest deduction rate for tax year 2018 is 0,237%
The Belgian NID rate for tax year 2018 (accounting years ending between 31 December 2017 and 30 December 2018, both dates included) would be 0,237%. For SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), the NID rate would be 0,737% for tax year 2018. According to article 205quater, §2 of the Belgian Income Tax Code (“BITC”), the NID