European Commission announces final State aid decision on financing income exemption within the UK’s CFC rules
On 2 April 2019, the European Commission (EC) announced that the Group Financing Exemption (GFE) within the UK Controlled Foreign Company (CFC) rules is “partly justified”. The decision has not yet been published but a brief explanation of the decision can be found via this link.
European Commission opens State aid investigation into Luxembourg’s tax treatment of Huhtamäki
On 7 March 2019, the European Commission (EC) announced the opening of an in-depth State aid investigation in a number of tax rulings granted by Luxembourg to Huhtamäki. This decision is another important decision in a range of decisions dealing with the taxation of intra-group financing activities. A brief explanation of the decision can be found
Registration to the UBO register: extension of the deadline until 30 September
We already informed you about the introduction in Belgium of a register regarding the Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBO’s) of legal entities. Initially, the information on the UBO’s needed to be registered by 30 November 2018. However, the deadline had been extended till 31 March 2019 by the Federal Public Service Finance (FPSF) taken into account
Upcoming due date for electronic filing of BEPS 13 related documents: 28 February 2019
Transfer pricing documentation has become an integral part of the compliance obligations of Belgian entities. The deadlines, criteria and formalities should therefore be followed up closely. Please find below a short summary of the obligations to be complied with by 28 February 2019. What? Belgian entities – if they meet certain criteria – have to
The UBO-register: time to take action
As already discussed in our previous newsflashes (20 August 2018 & 28 September 2018), a register regarding the Ultimate Beneficial Owners (‘UBO’s’) of legal entities was introduced in Belgium. In principle, the information on the UBO’s needed to be registered by 30 November 2018. However, an extension of the deadline till 31 March 2019 was
Belgian tax reform – Recap of corporate income tax measures applicable from 1 January 2019
A new year typically entails new tax measures. Below you will find a brief overview of some important Belgian corporate income tax measures that have entered into force, or are expected to enter into force, in 2019 (as part of the second phase of the Belgian tax reform). For a detailed overview of the measures,
CJEU holds German RETT exemption for group restructurings not to be State aid in upstream merger case
On 19 December 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) issued its judgment in the case of A-Brauerei (C-374/17). A brief overview of the judgment can be found via this PwC EUDTG Newsalert – 20 December 2018 (CJEU holds German RETT exemption_ for group restructurings not to be State aid in upstream merger_ case)
Wage withholding taxes for French residents, effective from 1 January 2019
A big change is coming for France. As from 1 January 2019, for French resident taxpayers, wage withholding tax (“prélèvement à la source” or PAS) will be applied on certain types of income (including employee’s remuneration). This measure, which was initially foreseen as of 1 January 2018 but postponed with one year, will impact many