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23 October 2023

CrossRoads 2023-2029: Encouraging cross-border collaborations

CrossRoads supports and stimulates cross-border collaborations around promising innovations across the Flemish-Dutch border, which contribute to the realisation of social transition priorities: sustainable entrepreneurship, sustainable energy, industry 4.0, and health. Collaborative Innovation at its best  CrossRoads is part of the European Interreg Flanders-Netherlands programme. This programme is dedicated to fostering sustainable cross-border collaboration between small

17 October 2023

Incentives newsletter – October 2023

As we close the summer season, the PwC Incentives Hub has been diligently monitoring the incentives landscape. We offer you following insightful overview of incentive topics that may be relevant for your company.   Water4all   In the last few years, Europe has been experiencing the consequences of climate change, including extreme weather conditions such

10 October 2023

Belgian government agrees on federal budget: what is the impact? 

On 9 October, the Belgian Federal government reached an agreement on the federal budget. The current budget round was an important one, as the economic climate is deteriorating and this has an impact on the budget of the government. This budget needed to find additional funds. The total effort is 1.7 bln EUR, of which

10 October 2023

Reduced VAT Rate for Home Demolition-Reconstruction Extended, Excludes Developers

The Belgian government has announced an extension of the reduced 6% VAT rate for the demolition and reconstruction of homes. However, this benefit will now exclusively apply to individual homeowners. Developers, who previously enjoyed this rate under certain conditions for the sale of apartments and homes, will revert to the standard VAT rate of 21%

18 September 2023

Tax Bites Podcast – The new BEFIT proposal and International Tax Webinar Trilogue

The new BEFIT proposal and International Tax Webinar Trilogue On 12 September  the European Commission published its long anticipated BEFIT proposal together with a proposal for a transfer pricing directive. In this podcast we discuss the content of these proposals and reflect on the impact for business. In line with this topic, you can still

18 September 2023

A revamping of the investment support mechanism in Wallonia

To enhance clarity and amplify the leverage effects of incentives, Minister of economy in Wallonia, Willy Borsus, has taken substantial steps towards revamping the investment support mechanism by developing a points-based quality assessment system.  From March 2024 onwards, this mechanism will be implemented to assess whether an investment project is eligible for the investment aid.