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3 March 2023

The Belgian Minister of Finance proposes long awaited tax reform.

Finance Minister Vincent Van Peteghem launched his proposal for a first phase in the Belgian tax reform. This proposal was already announced several months ago and is now being put formally on the table. What we are looking at today is still a proposal that will now go into the legislative process. The aim is

23 February 2023

War for Business – Challenges for Europe on the incentives playing field

As boldly stated by the president of the European Commission – Ursula von der Leyen, the European Union should undertake more concrete actions to counter the massive subsidy packages currently being offered by the Chinese government to companies in the clean-tech sector and beyond. In addition, the US has also recently implemented a new bill

22 February 2023

The EU is preparing for an overhaul of the EU’s energy market: Flemish and EU incentives can help companies thrive in this new energy landscape

Europe is currently facing a double energy crisis. On the one hand, the geopolitical tensions with Russia have substantially reduced the supply of natural gas, putting into jeopardy the block’s ability to meet its energy demand. On the other hand, climate change and the need for a more sustainable energy future has become a pressing

20 February 2023

PwC’s Workforce Podcast – Rethinking Total Reward to deliver Total Wellness

The business environment is increasingly turbulent, with inflation rising, and continued shortages in many areas – including top talent. Organisations must focus on containing costs, but also seek to maximise performance, and attract and retain key talent. Competitive reward packages are vital for finding and keeping the pivotal talent that organisations need. However, there is