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14 February 2023

New legal framework for excise and general arrangements – Council Directive 2020/262

A new legal framework for excise and general arrangements has been introduced by the Council Directive  2020/262, repealing the previous Directive 2008/118/EEC, which will be in effect as of the 13th of February  2023 with transitional provisions applicable until end 2023.  What is new?  Introduction of duty paid licenses Two new excise operator roles will

8 February 2023

Is your company ready for the digitalization of the Belgian (tax) authorities?

The world is becoming more and more digital and also the Belgian (tax) authorities are catching up in this field. MyMinfin, e-Box, MyTax, WSE loket are only some of the digital applications currently being launched by the (tax) authorities in Belgium. Not only communications and documents are being digitized, also certain filings can no longer

7 February 2023

New circular letter published on 30% EBITDA rule

On 12 January 2023 a new circular letter (2023/C/8) was published regarding the 30% EBITDA regulation (Dutch/French version).  Over the past few years, the Belgian tax authorities have periodically published guidance on the interpretation of the 30% EBITDA rule. The new circular letter is intended to summarize the guidance that is currently available to provide

3 February 2023

PwC’s Tax Bites podcast: OECD issues Administrative Guidance on Pillar 2

In this episode, we discuss our first impressions of the 111-page Administrative Guidance on Pillar 2 published by the OECD on Thursday, 2 February 2023. A wide range of issues related to the GloBE Rules and Commentary were addressed in the guidance, and our experts also welcomed the additional clarification and examples, including those on