Latest news & developments
PwC as your guide in the changing Flemish incentive landscape
From the 1st of October 2022, establishing a climate plan and submitting a summary thereof became a new mandatory admissibility requirement for large companies and / or energy-intensive companies applying to most VLAIO subsidy programmes. The climate plan itself is an explanatory document containing the key actions a company will take in the coming years
Tax Bites Podcast: Looking ahead at tax policy in uncertain times
Patrick Boone and Matthias Reyntjens look ahead to what the next months will bring in terms of economic developments, and what this means for tax policy. They consider how national governments will respond, how businesses can prepare, and the likely impact on taxation. This podcast is the first of a series of podcasts dealing with
PwC’s Workforce Podcast – Employee preferences
Employee preferences – how to redesign your Employee Value Proposition? We are living through turbulent times. The labour market remains tight with a high number of vacancies advertised, and the economic forecast is gloomier by the day. Attracting and retaining talent is high on the agenda of employers – along with cost containment. Raising salaries
Belgian government agrees on federal budget: an overview of what you should know
After intense negotiations, the Belgian government reached an agreement on the Belgian federal budget. Addressing the ongoing energy crisis, limiting the budgetary deficit and stimulating employment are some of the key topics that have shaped the agreement. It also contains several important tax measures an overview below: Temporary Belgian minimum tax: as a result of
The EU Energy Crisis Package moves a step closer to full ratification
On 30 September, the EU energy ministers agreed on a first package of emergency intervention measures to address skyrocketing energy prices. The ministers reached an agreement following a short discussion, keeping the core substance of the Commission proposals while adding few amendments which enable flexibility and practical implementation. The aim of the package is to
Third quarter advance tax payment for assessment year 2023
Companies with a year-end closing on 31 December 2022 have the opportunity to make an advance tax payment for the third quarter of the year until 10 October 2022 to avoid or reduce a tax surcharge. This tax surcharge of 6,75% will be applied on the final amount of the Belgian corporate income tax due upon assessment. If,
Creating a healthier Europe through the EU4Health funding programme
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the existing weaknesses of the national healthcare systems. Indeed, it has highlighted the importance of crisis preparedness, resilient healthcare systems and coordination among European countries. The EU4Health programme is the European Commission’s response to the COVID-19 crisis and EU’s largest health programme. The actions funded by the programme go
Monthly Incentives newsletter
The funding landscape is continuously evolving, with new calls for proposals opening regularly in different areas. With this newsletter, we provide you a brief overview of the latest funding opportunities and developments at the European and regional level. Water4All Call The Joint Transnational Call “Management of water resources: resilience, adaptation and mitigation to hydroclimatic extreme