Latest news & developments
Investment Deduction: Royal Decree lists published. Consider applying this incentive!
In order to encourage investments in the green transition, the Belgian Government has revamped the existing investment deduction system, effective for investments made as from 1 January 2025 (see also our newsflash of 31 May 2024 and 2 April 2024). As a recap, the new regime is organised around three ‘tracks’: The general investment deduction
Navigating Belgium’s new tax law and its impact on DAC 7
The Belgian government has introduced a new tax law on 20 December 2024 that introduces significant amendments to the DAC 7 regulations, focusing on the responsibilities and obligations of reporting platform operators. This article delves into each of these amendments, providing a comprehensive overview of what these changes mean for platform operators. Key Amendments to
Exciting Updates in R&D Tax Law: New BELSPO Directives
BELSPO has recently worked with Belgian tax authorities to clarify the Withholding Tax (WHT) exemption process for R&D, with the goal of reaching a more uniform point of view regarding the content of the application procedure and advice. This harmonization, initiated in spring 2024, is a significant step forward, addressing the need for clearer guidelines
Circular letter on the Belgian CFC rules (Circular Letter 2024/C/82 December 13, 2024)
On 13 December 2024, the Belgian tax authorities issued a circular letter (Circular Letter 2024/C/82 December 13, 2024) regarding the new Belgian Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC) regulations and a circular letter (Circular Letter 2024/C/83 December 13, 2024) regarding changes from a tax procedural perspective. Almost one year ago, the program law of 22 December 2023
Flash Update: New Position of Belgian VAT Authorities on Credit Insurance
The Belgian VAT authorities have issued a new circular (Circulaire 2024/C/80) that significantly alters the current approach to VAT recovery for insurers and clients involved in credit insurance. This change stems from the European Court of Justice’s ruling on February 9, 2023, in the case of Euler Hermes SA Magyarországi Fióktelepe (C-482/21). Key Changes as
Navigating DAC 7: Upcoming deadlines and obligations for platform operators
Year end is approaching. Digital platform operators should be mindful of the upcoming deadlines. As a platform operator, it’s crucial to keep an eye on the reporting obligations in and outside of the EU. In March 2021 the Council of the European Union adopted new transparency rules and disclosure obligations for digital platforms, also known
Important Update regarding Reimbursement of Home-Charging Costs – Circular Letter 2024/C/77 of December 5, 2024
In 2021, the ‘green revolution’ within the Belgian mobility landscape was introduced. The legislator drastically intervened in the social and tax treatment of combustion engine vehicles to ensure that the Belgian vehicle fleet would electrify at a rapid pace. Based on information provided by Statbel the number of electric vehicles has increased with almost 255%
HR measures in the “Super nota of Bart De Wever” – What was on the table
For years, there has been a pressing need to reform Belgium’s stringent labour legislation. The so-called “Super Nota” of Bart De Wever contains several key items that could drive considerable improvements in this field. More specifically, the proposals aim to make the labour market more flexible while guaranteeing social protection and increasing the purchasing power