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1 March 2022

Brace Yourselves – R&D wage withholding tax incentive audits are coming!

The Belgian tax authorities are once again starting to conduct tax audits on the application of wage withholding tax exemptions for research and development. The most recent round of audits relate to income year 2020. In our earlier newsflash we put together some important key takeaways from the tax audits of income year 2019. The

25 February 2022

Fee Forms 281.50: Reduction of the administrative burden

French article: Fiches fiscales 281.50 : Réduction de la charge administrative Dutch article: Fiches 281.50: verlichting van de administratieve lasten   On 28 January 2022 the law on various tax provisions of 21 January 2022 was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. One of these provisions changed the regulations on the fee forms 281.50 with

21 February 2022

New Digital Europe calls opening 22/02

Recently the European commission published the second wave of calls for the Digital Europe funding program. The program is tailored towards organizations investing in digital technology research, development, market deployment and the overall digital transformation of the Union. The programme has a budget of over € 7.5 billion to support the development of a wide

15 February 2022

European Innovation Council 2022 Work Programme adopted

The European Innovation Council (EIC), which falls under the banner of Horizon Europe, is the European commission’s flagship innovation programme. It is aimed at identifying, developing and commercializing breakthrough technologies and game changing innovations that are high-risk and high-impact in nature.The goal of EIC is to support researchers, start-ups and SMEs with the development and

28 January 2022

New expat regime in Belgium – application forms

In our previous newsflash of 25 January 2022, we referred to the introduction of the new expat tax regime (applicable as of 1 January 2022) and to the transitional period that is foreseen (phase out of the old special tax regime and the possibility for opting in for the new regime, under certain conditions).   There

28 January 2022

Cost proper to the employer: revisiting the new reporting obligation

Referring to our newsflash of 3 September 2021, we remind you that the new reporting obligation for companies to report the actual amount of costs proper to the employer that are reimbursed on the basis of supporting documents is applicable since 1 January 2022.  Principle Based on the circular letter 2021/C/20 (employer interventions for home