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10 July 2020

Spanish Central Administrative Tribunal‘s decision to apply the CJEU’s Danish cases to deny the withholding tax exemption on dividends

The Central Administrative Tribunal (i.e., administrative body) has recently published a ruling in which it applies the doctrine from the ECJ in the Danish cases to a Spanish case denying the withholding tax exemption on dividend payments to EU parent companies. For more information, please see enclosed PwC’s EU Direct Tax Group (EUDTG)’s Newsalert on:

10 July 2020

Data automation and XML conversion for the social passive exemption

The introduction of the unified employment status as from 1 January 2014 results generally in increased dismissal costs for employers. To support employers in dealing with these increased costs of dismissal, the legislator introduced the so-called ‘Exemption for social passive’. See one of our previous posts for more detail on the “corporate tax exemption for

9 July 2020

General filing extension till 29 October 2020 confirmed for corporate income tax, non-resident corporate income tax and legal entity tax returns

Considering the exceptional business environment, the Minister of Finance decided to extend the initial filing due date for Assessment Year 2020 of 24 September 2020 till 29 October 2020. The extension applies to corporate income tax, non-resident corporate income tax and legal entity tax returns to be filed via BizTax. BizTax is currently operational, but

8 July 2020

Update COVID-19 and cross-border employment: FAQ 17 June 2020

Currently, the COVID-19 health crisis seems to be under control within Europe, with some local lock-down measures being put in place and barring a potential second wave. So, if things continue to evolve in a positive manner during summer, it looks like employees might gradually be able to return to their regular (pre-corona) cross-border working

8 July 2020

Optional deferral of the reporting obligation – Germany opts out

The Council Directive (EU) 2020/876 of 24 June 2020, amended the DAC 6 Directive by deferring the reporting deadlines by 6 months. Since the deferral is included in the Directive, an implementation is required in order to be reflected in the domestic legislation of the different Member States. Given the optional character of the amendment

2 July 2020

Carry-back of losses: law published – listen to our podcast

On 1 July 2020, the law on the temporary tax exemption of profits in anticipation of tax losses realized in the COVID-19 period (the so-called tax loss “carry-back” system) was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. The new law aims to strengthen the liquidity and solvency of companies that were in a sound condition but